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Comic to Movie?


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Just a few questions!!!


What are you favourite comic book to movie adaptations so far and why?


Which did you not like at all and why?


What comic would be top on your list to be made into a film that hasnt already?


What comic to film would you most like to 'remake' and what would be the most important changes you would do?

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Favourite so far- definately the X-Men movies!


Didn't like: Well last night I saw Nick Fury: Agent of Shield starring David Hasslehoff which made me laugh so much because it was so unendingly awful!


That's not been already? I'd like to see some of the X-Men spin-off comics like Generation X (which has a badTV movie but needs a proper one!)


As for remaking....possibly League of Extraordinary Gentlemen becuase it lost the darkness of the comics (even though it came out about the same time they did) And it had so much potential!

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What are you favourite comic book to movie adaptations so far and why?

Gotta be X-Men 2 - even though it had a lot of down points in terms of characterisations, it had a lot more to be loved :-) It's very comic-fan and movie-goer friendly - the best of both worlds, with lots of info for the newbies, and little hidden cameos/refferences for the hardcore fans like us :D


Which did you not like at all and why?

Hmmmm... Hard one. It's probably got to be Catwoman, even though I haven't seen the film yet - lolz. The amount of poor reviews lets the genre down, and puts even ME off of seeing it. Even though I still have to - tehe. It's essential :P


What comic would be top on your list to be made into a film that hasnt already?

Another hard one! Hehe. In non-realistic terms, I'd make a Venom Spiderman movie, and/or an AoA/Phalynx X-men movie. Lolz. But in real-time it would have to be a Wolvie movie - but they're doing that allready (yay!) :P


What comic to film would you most like to 'remake' and what would be the most important changes you would do?

Grrrr - you like the awkward queries, don't you? Lolz. It would have to be Daredevil and/or Elektra, because I'd like to add onto the film, possibly including the darker sides of both (even though Elektra was downright dark, it didn't really even verge on the Hand or the whole getting rid of signs of her DNA obbsession etc :lol:), and keeping those amazing deleted scenes! B)

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