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Mock Titles


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I don't know if anyone knew about this, but a while ago, Empire ran a thread on their forum about what people thought Episode 3 should be called and well over the past two nights, Rangergirl aka Lamb and I have been watching Attack of the Clones and coming up with new spoof names for Episode 3 and well we want to hold a competition between the titles and find our ultimate act of genius and well, we'll leave it up to the board to decide. For the Quater finals we need 8 from the list to be chosen so we ask that everyone chose eight and then post them in this thread, they most chosen ones will go through to battle for the title of 'best spoof title'. Some of the titles are indeed very random and do require an explaination some of them are just funny in their own right, so I hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them!


Star wars ep III: I believe I can fly

Star wars ep III: Man in the ventilated mask

Star wars ep III: Revenge of the dust bunnies

Star wars ep III: Does anyone have a razor

Star wars ep III: We can see the cue cards

Star wars ep III: Not suitable for vegetarians

Star wars ep III: May contain traces of nuts

Star wars ep III: One review too far

Star wars ep III: Interview with the Empire

Star wars ep III: Silence of the Jedi

Star wars ep III: The mask of Palpatine

Star wars ep III: The Council of Secrets

Star wars ep III: When darkness met light

Star wars ep III: The extras wet dream

Star wars ep III: Alcohol Anonymous

Star wars ep III: What annulments are for

Star wars ep III: Wanna buy some death sticks?

Star wars ep III: One Sith too far

Star wars ep III: Gone with the Sith

Star wars ep III: What’s with the close ups

Star wars ep III: Where’s my cocaine

Star wars ep III: White Sithmas

Star wars ep III: Boom

Star wars ep III: There is no cutlery

Star wars ep III: Too much CGI, not enough acting

Star wars ep III: Drugstore Jedi

Star wars ep III: Teenage Sithbag

Star wars ep III: The Sith Lord Diaries

Star wars ep III: Look who’s sithing too

Star wars ep III: Coresaunt Confidential

Star wars ep III: Speeder Driver

Star wars ep III: Reservoir Sith

Star wars ep III: Who needs stairs

Star wars ep III: In case of fire, there are no exists

Star wars ep III: Why did I stop the therapy

Star wars ep III: You can leave plaits in

Star wars ep III: Stormtroopers guide to the galaxy

Star wars ep III: So where were the archers?

Star wars ep III: Fear and loathing in Los Eisely

Star wars ep III: I, Jedi

Star wars ep III: Tiredness can kill

Star wars ep III: A Sith’s tale

Star wars ep III: The return of R2

Star wars ep III: Flying Jedi

Star wars ep III: Death of the Windu

Star wars ep III: Another Pointless Line

Star wars ep III: May the cue cards be with you

Star wars ep III: When hermits attack

Star wars ep III: Eternal Sunshine of a sithless mind

Star wars ep III: Leave the jokes to Obi Wan

Star wars ep III: Another one bites the dust

Star wars ep III: Danger, danger high voltage

Star wars ep III: I wanna take you to a Sith bar

Star wars ep III: Never take the short cut

Star wars ep III: Beware of falling Anakins

Star wars ep III: I hate it when he does that

Star wars ep III: Another form of cancer

Star wars ep III: Don’t try this at home

Star wars ep III: What happened to the acting?

Star wars ep III: Carry on Corpsing

Star wars ep III: Gone Drinking

Star wars ep III: More bondage than a strip bar

Star wars ep III: Nobody looks good in leather

Star wars ep III: It was a job

Star wars ep III: Thank God for foundation

Star wars ep III: Acting has no place here

Star wars ep III: Acting’s overrated

Star wars ep III: The acting strikes back

Star wars ep III: Stormtroopers, Sith and the Emperor, oh my!

Star wars ep III: Shut up Jar Jar

Star wars ep III: Go home Amidala

Star wars ep III: Circus Freaks Anonymous

Star wars ep III: It’s not fair

Star wars ep III: What not to wear

Star wars ep III: Baby’s day out

Star wars ep III: Slash incorporated

Star wars ep III: Some people should not have children

Star wars ep III: Yet more droids

Star wars ep III: If droids could think

Star wars ep III: Remove all sticks

Star wars ep III: How embarrassing

Star wars ep III: Never mind the helmets

Star wars ep III: All for just 19,999999

Star wars ep III: Another wasted film reel

Star wars ep III: The Sith will take it all

Star wars ep III: If penguins could fly

Star wars ep III: When Jedi’s turn bad

Star wars ep III: Lassie come home

Star wars ep III: Girl with a pearl headdress

Star wars ep III: Inside I’m dancing

Star wars ep III: Purple is my colour

Star wars ep III: When Jedi’s get wet

Star wars ep III: No previous insanity required

Star wars ep III: Give me cake or give me death!

Star wars ep III: Course, rough, irritating and gets everywhere

Star wars ep III: Vampires should not be in office

Star wars ep III: The consequences of anorexia

Star wars ep III: One reason to update your contact list

Star wars ep III: What children do without T.V.

Star wars ep III: Get Over It

Star wars ep III: A not so drunken mistake

Star wars ep III: Insects do not make good clones

Star wars ep III: Curious, very curious

Star wars ep III: When turnips move

Star wars ep III: When Jedi’s trip

Star wars ep III: Britain in winter

Star wars ep III: Creepest kid since Hayley Joel Osmond

Star wars ep III: My Daddy wouldn’t take me

Star wars ep III: Sliding doors

Star wars ep III: Dude where’s my speeder

Star wars ep III: Dude where’s my falcon

Star wars ep III: Dude where’s talent

Star wars ep III: Why cousins shouldn’t marry

Star wars ep III: I can’t breathe

Star wars ep III: The kiss that became a scar

Star wars ep III: When technology strikes out

Star wars ep III: When the lights go out

Star wars ep III: Moving swiftly on

Star wars ep III: When fashion and technology collide

Star wars ep III: Death of a Wattu

Star wars ep III: We canni take it Captain

Star wars ep III: Blast!

Star wars ep III: This is exactly why I hate flying

Star wars ep III: We won’t be seeing him again

Star wars ep III: Did I say that out loud?

Star wars ep III: When pumpkins go bad

Star wars ep III: Look it’s Jesus…oh wait

Star wars ep III: Heinz forever

Star wars ep III: Look a badger!

Star wars ep III: It’s good to talk…(or It’s good to talk unless it’s Padmir or Anakin.)

Star wars ep III: Diddums

Star wars ep III: Yes he’s jealous

Star wars ep III: Quivering bottom lip

Star wars ep III: -Insert Cynical Comments-

Star wars ep III: Go to your room and think about what you’ve done

Star wars ep III: Help I’m a Fish

Star wars ep III: I agree

Star wars ep III: At all costs

Star wars ep III: Push the red button

Star wars ep III: That’s enough of Jar Jar

Star wars ep III: Mushroom Risotto

Star wars ep III: Christmas came early

Star wars ep III: We really need to start recruiting

Star wars ep III: Circuits laid bare

Star wars ep III: Do it, do it now!

Star wars ep III: When obstacle courses fight back

Star wars ep III: Satan is a robot…

Star wars ep III: A bad day at the post office

Star wars ep III: Packed with Ewanosity

Star wars ep III: Good Job…


A lot of them aren't there?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bwhahahahaha! Well it amused me anyway :huh:


Personal favourites-


Star wars ep III: Man in the ventilated mask


Star wars ep III: What annulments are for


Star wars ep III: Go to your room and think about what you’ve done


Star wars ep III: Packed with Ewanosity

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Wahey! More people with our bizarre sense of humour! :D:D


We should post some of our cynical comments on here too....Every film Tippin and I watch, we have to make cynical comments.


Star Wars Episode III: Use The Booze


Say it out loud, it's funny :P

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