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Colonel kentucky

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Runner (1/23)



  1. Terrible about that. The thing is, eurovision starts at 8 o'clock, Doctor who starts at 7 o'clock (normally) and is only on for 45 minutes, so if you do the maths, that leaves 15 minutes spare so i dont see no problem in fitting in Doctor Who. God damn them!
  2. So far season 3 is decent butnot sure who's a better companion, For some reason i prefer martha jones But the next episodes after the 'Lasarus experiment' Here's a trailer - http://youtube.com/watch?v=zowsoJaK8ZU Oh no, what have BBC done, were gonna have to wait two week's because of that dam eurovision song contest. Not to jump to conclusions but more people watch it in england than the eurovision. And even if i'm wrong, why dont they put it on BBC 2. It's practicly empty!
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