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mr fagan

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Posts posted by mr fagan

  1. it is annoying. I have seen that picture signed by Jeremy loads of times. You would think though that Jeremy would have said something about it but then again he isnt going to turn down money to sign it is he? This is the thing where after you have paid your money youre committed to getting the autograph as no refunds are allowed. Once you have handed your hard earned wonga over thats it game over.... Just like when i was really peeved about Jenna L Coleman last year where she was insisting on personalizing everyones pics to stop the scalpers on ebay etc. Though i was lucky enough there though to safely remove my name from the one pic i had signed by her even though i got no intention of selling it but they (the guests) dont know that. You just try and get Kenny Baker to sign a single blank white index card. WHEW that was a challenge and a half that was....

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  2. i get my own made up and take them with me just in case. simple enough and often had a lot of nice comments about them usually from the guests themselves. I tend to sell a lot as well but cant say anymore as your not allowed to sell or mention anything about selling things on here:(

  3. Get up early or do what a lot of people do get someone you know to get up early for you then turn up about ten mins before doors open in a mini bus or limo and you and 20 others can join your mate in the que thus saving time and not having to get up at stupid o clock. Seriously though as i just go for autographs (strange i know but there we are )i get up and get there early get as many vts as possible. I normally get around between 10 to 15 per day and usually wait a good two hrs to get the last one i need as they are busy at lunch talk photoshoot etc.

  4. Cool suits me fine as last time i felt like a flea trapped in a box the size of a stamp. Great show poor venue. I only need to meet five guests two of which are for someone else who cant attend. So the more room to walk about suits me fine. I say only five but thats cos being a veteran of these shows means i have already met the majority of guests here already. After this weekend though it will be saving here and there ebay selling sell a kidney sell the wife for funds for LFCC that show will probably bankrupt me but hey what the hell you cant take it with you when youve gone.....

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  5. last november the 23rd i watched the very first episode before i knew it i started the Daleks then Edge Of Destruction. So i thought may as well carry on with them so i have worked my way through all my dvds and this weekend i will be starting series five with The Tomb Of The Cybermen. Should time it right and get to The Web Of Fear the day its released on DVD.

  6. As long as not held in a remote part of the country and the tickets are not hugely expensive then i would consider it but to be really realistic would Mr Cumberbatch really attend something like this? Don't get me wrong i really hope he does but if it did happen the crowds would be mental. Plus it would be a in sign out conveyor arrangement. Still we will wait and see.

  7. Well TBH the likes of Lee Meriwether Jack Donnelly John Rhys Davies Eve Myles Nicholas Briggs Sophie Aldred Paul McGann are enough reasons to come for me. Yes im a Who fan and yes its just down the road from me. But i think it will be a long time till we start getting the calibre of guests that attend LFCC. though that would be nice.(hint hint) But big or small guests is a matter of opinion and everyone is entitled to their own. But as mentioned before the guests and their agents etc read these forums and i would be well p***** off if a guest pulled out that i really really wanted to meet due to negativity.

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  8. This is a wind up yeah? I mean Summer Glau at another event? (faints) she is there all three days? at an event i can actually get to? danger overload overload help help BOOM......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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