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Everything posted by Magoleth

  1. Hi Wyrdsister Heck no I'm not upset - much! How sad that "ultimately it was always going to be in London - WHY?" I just can't understand the need for everything to be in the Capital in this country. In other countries where these kind of events are often held they are not all held in the capitals of the countries. They move around so that others can make it and cost them less money! It is just sad that Showmasters et al could not get their heads out of London and look elsewhere in this wonderful country for once. Hey don't worry about me. I'm only a little old pensioner who happens to be mad about LOTR. So I doubt if I will make it to London again. I can't afford the public transport, the taxi fares, the hotel prices and the costs of the food on top of the cost of the Cenvention itself, never mind if I wanted an autograph of anyone who happens to appear there. So I will just have to stay at home and watch the movies again or read the books! No I'm not upset -- much! So I'll jsut save my money and buy the new DVD instead. So I'll sign off this site as there is now nothing of interest here for me. Hurray you are all saying I know I can hear you! Bye!
  2. "its going to be in london sorry the big hotels with the space we need are down in london and the actors get to go out to the city and play after the event has finished " So it has already been decided even though the majority of the fans voted for Birmingham their vote was a waste of time! Helen "London Heathrow is right in London" Heathrow is at least half an hour's drive from London on a good day and that is by slow car cause that is the only way to travel in London slowly. I know I have just been there for the weekend. Even the City airport is at least half an hour's drive away. I know cause I watched the planes landing there from a cruiser on the Thames and it is a long way out of the city centre. I thought that the artists were going to be there for the fans eg Galadriel's Ball or whatever you are going to call it, so when are they going to have time to go out and play?????
  3. Thank you Elven Tailor for talking some sense. Large venues mean large bills however many people turn up. I too spent hours walking around empty spaces in London last year and was very disappointed. It was too far out of the way, too large and not enough going on, and the Hall of Fire was almost empty even at the "Grand Opening". (Well it felt like it as it was so huge and not enough people there) And I sincerely hope that any venue in London is ruled out, capital or not! (What has being the capital got to do with Tolkien anyway) Getting from anywhere to anywhere in London is a nightmare! Birmingham would be ideal and The Tolkien Trail could be incorporated into the event. Just contact Birmingham City Council. I want to see the life size statue of Treebeard!
  4. Hey Dum dumdum Dum didn't you know that Manchester has a big International Airport with two runways and flights from all over the world and Birmingham also has a large International airport. Both of these airports have great communication links with tte city centres and do not have to contend with the London traffic and congestion charges! Pretty good motorway connections too, unlike the dreaded M25 round London. Also as a adopted Mancunian I think that it should be held in Birmingham so that those who wish to do so can go on the Tolkien Trail as part of the convention weekend, so don't think just because I live in Manchester that I am advocating this city alone. I have good reason to be objective about the whole thing. Hellion44 the world is bigger than London. I went there last year for the another show and after travelling all night by coach it still took me another hour and a half to get to the Wembley venue. I would not do that again for anything! so I'm afraid if London is chosen I may well stay at home. I would love it to be Manchester but Birmingham will be even better!
  5. Why should it have to be in London??? Excuse me but England does not end at Watford Gap. Hotels large enough to cater for all the fans! Well you should try looking on the internet. Manchester hosted the Commonwealth Games a couple of years ago and has more hotels than you can shake a stick at, and enough large venues to accommodate an event of this nature. Collectormania is already held at GMex - what better venue? Birmingham has also got a fantastic network of hotels so don't fool yourself that London has it all because it hasn't!! And all of these are at reasonable prices unlike London Hotels! We have enough sightseing to keep even the most restless person happy here in Manchester and I know a lot of people would go on the Tolkien Trail in Birmingham which would be a wonderul added bonus. I want to see if they ever got the big statue of Treebeard erected! Manchester is the home of the first ever computer (invented here) so thank you Manchester for the World revolution! So come on organisers get your act together and move away from London and give the rest of the country a treat.
  6. I know this has not been added to for some time - but please bring ring*con to Manchester and let me help to organise it. Oh this would be so wonderful and give us faithful fans the boost we need. Pleae please please. Nice cosy venue (not too large) with several Headliners to get the fans in and you've cracked it. I shall pass this site around to my friends who will all be interested.
  7. I will be delighted to see Miranda Otto here in Manchester. Well done on last year geting John Rhys-Davies and Andy Serkis. Looking forward to November! More events please for LOTR there are many fans still out there being let down by event organisers. May I help to organise it here in Manchester? PLEASE! I would love to. I was at the ill fated and much slated one with "no name" (Mastrer of the Rings) that every one seems to think was wrong but in the end we all agreed that - bad organisation aside - we had a really friendly time with the likes of Craig Parker and Lawrence Makoare and all the guys who attended. They were brilliant and we all enjoyed the cosier atmosphere rather than a very large almost empty hall which happened last year at the another show in London. And if any one is looking for accommodation here in Manchester I have two spare rooms!!!!
  8. Please not London again!!! It is so hard to get to and so damned expensive. Birmingham or Manchester would be so much better and we have easier Airport access too. Much esier than London! The Fellowship Festivals have gone down the London road once too often! Move around a bit more! Stop getting in the London rut!
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