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7 of 9

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Everything posted by 7 of 9

  1. Trekkie fan You are on my wavelength - will vote for the con yes and scenary with group photos would be great!!! too cool for words!!! There must be some local chapters of STARFLEET who could get involved.....they are usually up for this sort of thing. Unfortunately my chapter is 'net based but I wouldn't rule us out doing something if the zone went ahead! That would be great if you could come along, something that the powers that be should take on board and see what they think. It would make it a great atmosphere and more authentic - you could wonder around the event like other charactors and give it some really trekkie feel!!!!
  2. Would love to see ST Con - that would make my lifetime!!!! Any guest from any series or the new film would be great - if you go for a big arena you will get the big names!! Some of the other charactors i have meet before have been really great people so friendly too If you could get some big names then that would be fantastic!!! Some Captains yes - MR BROOKS PLEASE!!! How about the two Mr Spocks - that would be one hella photo!!! Group photos from the movie or a series!! Kirk and Spock (old) would be great PLEASE - would not have to go Las Vegas then!!!! Please do this and give me time to save up!!! This would make so many people so happy !!!!!!
  3. Trekkie fan You are on my wavelength - will vote for the con yes and scenary with group photos would be great!!! too cool for words!!!
  4. Great guest suggestions!! keep more coming!! would be great to get some cool ST guests at CM16!!!
  5. That would be cool yes Which songs though? The one that Uhura sang in Final Froniter or the Enterprise theme tune?
  6. Trekkiefan A whole con would great!! lets start with this idea and work it up to a big idea!!! Lets start in the Delta and work to the Gamma quadrant!!
  7. Next CM lets create a whole room decidated to Star Trek A room full of trekkie heaven!! With some great photo ops to be had as well!! That would be amazing and I would never leave the room!! Let me know what you think about his idea and see if we can make it happen :-)
  8. We have the old Spock - how about the new Spock - lets get Quinto!!! would be great to have both = what a photo op that would be!!! Any of the new ST people and some of the oldies too!! Bring Back AVERY BROOKS!! he was so cool would love to see him again :-) Some more comic books/graphic novel/Sci Fi artists and authors. Peter David or Guido 2009 was great lets make 2010 even better sci party on dude!!!!
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