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  1. Oh ok thanks! If the rooms aren't too pricey I'll consider booking one But it's still possible to go to the convention without staying in the hotel, right? *crosses fingers* I'm poor lol
  2. I'm planning to go to the London one if the right people are announced. I'll probably be on my own, I've never been to a convention before and I'm painfully shy so we'll see how that goes lol By the way my name is Alexandra and I'm 18. I'll be at LFCC so maybe I'll meet some of you there. I posted a question on the other thread but I'm not sure if anyone saw it. I assume these events will be held at a hotel and I'm just wondering if it's necessary to book a hotel room or if it's possible to go home for the night and come back in the morning? Since I live in London I don't really want to book a hotel room when my house is only 30-45 mins away :)
  3. I live in London so I'm thinking of going to the London event. Is it necessary to book a room in the hotel or is it possible to go home for the night and come back the next morning? Sorry if this has already been asked, there are a lot of comments here
  4. Not sure how many tickets were sold, 300 or 500? Not too bad though for your number! Well since there's someone at 357 I'm guessing it must have been around 400-500 so yeah I'm pretty happy with my number
  5. hi i'm just wondering if there's a set number of guests that you're hoping to get for this talk? (eg. 3-4) i know plans can change at any time so i'm not asking for any specific names or anything just a general idea. thanks
  6. OMG THANK YOUUUU! will he also be involved in the talk that peter facinelli and justin chon are doing? edit: oops my bad i just saw that you updated the info on that page lol just ignore my question :)
  7. any members of the Twilight cast would be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G especially Robert Pattinson!
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