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Posts posted by wishingpixie

  1. Definately! well really it could be 8 steps to get you anything if you changed a few words around! Well ttfn(omg that is like sooooo cool. i have always wanted to say that!) ttfn I have to go and read a book for English!!! whoopdeedoo! bye!!!!! talk 2 u 2morro hopefully!

  2. Well at least I know what I'm going to do when careers week comes along. The only thing left to do is persuade them. :P


    "Oy you" I shout to the surprised dreamworks guy.

    "Who me?"

    "Yeah you!" I shout back. "Wanna' give me an internship?"

    "An an inter-intern ship?" he splutters.

    "Well duh!"

    "What if I don't want to!" he replies with new found courage.

    "Then you'll meet some extremely bad things down an alley"

    "Oh yeah! like what"

    "well it has something to do with ants, lots and lots of red ants..." *evil grin*

  3. Will do! lol


    Dear dreamworks,

    I am writing to you about an absolutely great storyline! It includes a russian bug who lives on a Spainish boat, and this boat, well it travels across the whole globe. On his journey he meets: a texan robot, a german snake, a french cow ad many many other animals and objects, including a talking lamp!

  4. Awesome pics!!!!! I like your glasses! They are very cool! I've also just realised something else, only a few other people come on here apart from ourselves. It's liek a mini convo. Hellllllllllllllo other people!

  5. That would be just awesome! Some would be taking the register and they would say chloe and would reply with jah! or something even cooler that isn't that as it sounds german! dissapearing for no more than 20 mins, i vill be back!!

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