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Posts posted by wishingpixie

  1. Woop woop!!! Group g!!! Hiim chloe and I'm 15. I think I ma) be one of the youngest in this group. I lovvvvvvvvvvvve jasper also, although being obssessed with all things twilight, vampires suck is the funniest movie I've ever seen. :)

  2. I shall be wearing a red satin(or possibly silk I'm not sure) skirt, made by my nan. I'm then getting a black corset to wear with it. I've already got black gloves and flat black pumps to wear with it, cause no way would I be able to dance in heels, I think I'd break my neck. I'll post pics when it's all done.

  3. Wooop, Holly!! And trains are a bum. They really are. I get the train to school and it actually sucks. :D one day I was stuck on the station for an hour and got kicked off loads of trains because they decided to terminate at the station!! Argh!! And once, we got on one and it said it was going to my stop and it went straigt past it!! >:D very annoying. Je n'aime pas le train! >:(


    Woop! Rachel's coming home today XD


    Anyone want to sing a ickle song? Wizard and I - Wicked:


    "Did that really just happen? Have I actually understood? This weird quirk I've tried to suppress, or hide, is a talent that could help me meet the wizard if I make good... so I'll make goood!


    When I meet the wizard, once I prove my worth. And then I meet the wizard, what I've waited for, since...since birth! And with all his wizard wisdom, by my looks he won't be blinded! Do you think the wizard is dumb? Or like Munchkins so small-minded? No. He'll say to me I see who you trulty are a girl on whom I can rely! And that's how we'll begin, the wizard and I...


    Once I'm with the wizard, my whole life will change! Coz once you're with the wizard, no one thinks you're strange! No father is not proud of you, no sister acts ashamed! And all of oz has to looove you when by the wizard you're acclaimed! And this gift or this curse, I have inside, maybe at last I'll know why! When we are hand in hand the wizard and I!


    And one day he'll say to me, "Elphaba, a girl who is so.. superior, shouldn't a girl who's so good inside, have a matching exterior? And since folks here to an obsurd degree, seem fixated on your verdigris, would it be alright be you.. If i de-greenify you?"


    And though, of course, that's not important to me. "Alright, why not!" I'll reply! Oh what a pair we'll be the wizard and I, yes what a pair we'll be the wizard and...


    Unlimited..My future is unlimited! And I've just had a vision almost like a prophecy. I know, it sounds truly crazy and true, the vision's hazy. But, I swear someday there'll be... a celebration throughout oz that's all to do..with meeeee!!


    And I'll stand there with the wizard, feeling things I've never felt! And though I'd never show it, I'd be so happy I could melt! And so it'll be for the rest of my life and I'll want nothing else till I die! Held in such high-esteem, when people see me they will scream, for half of oz's favourite team - the wizard and Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!"


    ... Possibly the best song ever? .. I think so :)

    Eeeeeek summer concert!!!!!!!!!!!!! "welllll u know JOSH he's awful at playing the piano!" jks lol.

  4. Are you staying the Sunday as well now, Chloe?


    And, that's awesome news!!! :unsure:


    Lily, I'm going to try and get that day off!! :(


    Nahhhh, just the friday night and saturday. but am chuffed my mum and dad booked for the friday

  5. Apparently all my persuading worked. The phone rang earlier and then my dad wouldn't tell us what it was about and then I found out just before 5 that they had booked the extra night as an early xmas pressie. my dads just happy cause he can pull a 2319

  6. What's the hotel like?

    Because I didn't go to ET3, just ET2 at the Park inn. How are they different? Is it near anything? How expensive is the food? etc. ect

  7. I've only been to a saturday party as well. It was the 1st volturi ball at et2. but apparently less people attend so maybe people will get to know others better? i've never seen mary poppins or the jungle book either, i haven't seen many of those types of movies actually

  8. Sameage, and our school says we're not allowed to have time off unless you are ill.



    Anyhoo, do you think we should all meet up as a group on the Friday and have a group photo as the Younger Attendees :) that would be AWESOME :D we'll just have to swap mob numbers and stuff :D



    Yeah defo. But me and mobiles dont mix. So I shall just have to hear from someone or come on here or swap emails. Costa is cool. And how many people turn up for the opening ceremony??????

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