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Posts posted by salkunh

  1. If it wasn't for the fact that I live within spitting distance of Manchester and travel there most days for uni related shinanigans then I really wouldn't be going. As it is theres only two guests I want to see. I'm just gonna see those two then go to the Christmas Market in the city centre. Way more interesting then James Bond bit parts and Harry Potter guests.


    Definately disappointed with Showmasters.

  2. The Amarna Period of Ancient Egypt.



    Wow, now that is special.



    Yeah I figured I'd pick something theres not much he can ask me about seeming as next to nothing is known for sure about that era....plus the amount of crappy sites a google search finds on the subject should make question hunting fun...Mr Quizmaster isn't the only one who can be sadistic :D

  3. I still think David Tennant looks like H from steps....its kinda off putting to sit there watching the ep (which was fab) and just keep expecting him to burst into the Tragedy dance :(

  4. Maybe Aspen is communicating with us from the future so they've seen the whole of season 2 and infact the whole of Lost and so they know that Lost is really preparing everyone for the government imunisation programme which will shut down our brains so that they can hook us all up to machines a la matrix and condition us to believe that we are all survivors of a plane crash on an island.....



    or not.

  5. I think Libby really was doing the mental hospital rounds because Hurley's been saying for ages that he knew her from somewhere but didnt know where.


    When Hurley was on top of that cliff I spent the entire time shouting to move away from the edge. I was thinking "OMG everyone who I've seen at con's is dead he's gonna jump" lol


    I liked Hurley beating up Sawyer as well. It was like a comedy fight lol :P

  6. I don't look at the spoilers for eps...dl season 2 is enough for me ^^


    The area where Claire was kept is in the northern set of bunkers...the medical one so definately not the centre. I think the centre is where all the magnetism was coming from...though anythings possible with this show :poki:

  7. I don't believe Henry Gale is an other. He is Henry Gale but the person in the grave is an other instead of his wife. The others could easily have switched the bodies, placed a bit of id to suggest that the body was Henry Gale. The way that theres two camps forming and the general unease that everyone seems to be displaying on the beach could be just what the others need. Lets face it while they are "dealing" with Henry Gale they aren't trying to train an army etc.


    Course he could just be an other lol

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