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Everything posted by shan

  1. *green with jealousy* you went to the premiere?? *whines*
  2. hehe, dye your hair red =P We could always just write it in sharpie on our forehead for the entire weekend =] I'd be up for that!!
  3. Eclipsee!!! And is there really a Portugese twilight series? I heard rumours of it but all the sites I went on said that it never actually got made. Forks or Pheonix?
  4. *sympathizes* ahhhh, yes. yesyesyes XD My schoolwork is drowning me, and there's a pile of washing as tall as me to be put away. And that's just from being on the forums! When I first read the books I became a hermit for 4 days =] my parents were verrrry worried. Hottopic shirts or homemade shirts?
  5. HAH!! The cure for Twilight syndrome made me laugh XD
  6. Lol I did that but with ebay where you had google I felt so lazy lol i fished through 15 pages of new look lace dresses to find mine when mine was in my room easily photographable lol Lol, plus my camera was actually on my bed next to me at the time, and my wardrobe is abotu 5 feet away. I'm just that damn lazy XD My friend is trying to persuade em to colour in all the apples red, but it'd take FOREVERR XD
  7. haha, my friend wanted to persuade the teacehr to do blood typing with us when we were learning about it, and I haqte needles, so it went soemthing liek this: jess - wow we shoudl so do blood typing like in Twilight!! me - NOOOOO! jess - why not?!?! me - Edward won't be here to save meee >_< !! hehe XD haha, we ahve a chem teacher called Mrs E Cullen, and anotehr teacher called Mr Hale. But they are undeserving of the names >_< And, because I enver bother to learn our tyeacehrsanmes, I didn't realise this until I got my parents evening appointments and was like 'OME!!!! E CULLEN!!!'
  8. I doubt it, although I've never been to a con before. You can buy extra 8x10 glossy photos though, I think.
  9. meh, everyone except Kristen played their characters suberbly, to me It's bugged me for ages now, the titles on the books are a different colour each time (twilight is blue, eclipse is orange, NM is silver, BD is red) and it just annoys me a bit. anyone else think that's weird/significant?
  10. Ah no, I can scrounge loads of labels off my parents XD never fear, the office supplies are here! I need to start getting some more sleep >_<
  11. t..tayloorr? A twilight film or a twilight TV series? (I'd love to see that XD like Buffy but with better effects!)
  12. hehe, I think they both have their fair share of guys XD Plus, there's those freaks - sorry, guys! - who like Snape....o_O OMG, how can you make me chooooseee between wizards and vampires ??!! >_< I need to make an objective list: Vampires: Spike Edward (who counts as three, cos, you know XD ) The volturi, cos they're cool Awesome powers that don't need learning Wizards: Draco (woop!) They can make stuff fly Awesome schools! Wand jokes XD I refuse to make a descision XD Wampires!!! I think we've had quil vs. embry before...and I think(?) I said embry?
  13. Yeah, kind of. I do childcare :) I think it's equivalent to something like 2 gcse's? xxx Ahhh, ok! I was almost going to do one of those, on graphic design, but it worked out that I'd have to do extra catch up lessons after school in the lessons I was missing, so I didn't in the end.
  14. haha, yeah. Although Harry's angstyness certainly got to me - No. Stop. Save your rants for the appropriate forums, nikki Anyways XD Bella should have been happier in the film, I agree! Errrmm... Who else thinsk the fact that she googled quileute (sp?) legends, brought a book, read one word of that then googled a phrase from the book, verrry weird?? It was clearly just a way o getting her to Port Angeles, which is stupid. (that probably made no sense to anyone XD sorry)
  15. Blonde!!!! *Thinks happy thoughts of Draco* *slaps self* silly fangirl, wrong fandom!! Speaking of that - The HP or twilight fandom??
  16. If they are developed in time yepp Awesome if I can then that's what I'll do, then I can ahve the photo's of them that are in the con pack as seperate souviners =]
  17. yep Gahhhhh. I shoudl be doing homework...damn you, deviantart and forums!!
  18. Yeah, well in our school it's not an official 'break', it's just before school starts, so most people just hang around outside and stuff.
  19. TW I rooted these out earlier, thought you guys might wanna see happy.gif: Bella & Edward's wedding from Angela's POV (OME my first ever fanfic! Ahh, memories...) - http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8062981/ha...ght-fan-fiction About so years after BD, Edward & Bella back in the meadow - http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8089494/memory Ok, me and my friends ahve strange conversations that lead to weird fanfics, mkay?: http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8153183/de...ters-vs-volturi http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8308838/ed...pimpedor-not-xd
  20. AAH I FORGOT! We've all learned how to eat stupidly fast xD Or to just eat a tiny bit, We get 15 mins for breakfast 'cause some of us leave for school at like 7-30,so being a breakfast-hating person, I use it as a break. Ah yeah, I think our cafeteria is open before form as well, I never go in there though, it's mostly just people who have to get dropped of early and stuff, like at your school.
  21. Aww, you get home later than me! Thats really suckish. We should destroy all teachers. We start school officially at 8:45 and finish at 3:05, they shortened our lunch hour near the end of last year so we could go home earlier. If they shortened ours any longer, we wouldn't have any time to eat 10 mins to queue, longer if a teacher messes up their classes lunch time, 10 mins to find a seat, then 10 mins to shovel your food down and run back to lesson. oosh =/ It used to be like that in our school, we have about 45mins total. But we're having a lot of building work done at the moment, as anotehr school is amalgamating with ours, which means we need a biger lunch area. But our lunches are still pretty long, plus a 15min break in the morning after 2nd period. Leah, are you doing one of those diploma things where you go to the college one day a week to study?
  22. We start school officially at 8:45 and finish at 3:05, they shortened our lunch hour near the end of last year so we could go home earlier.
  23. BTW I rooted these out earlier, thought you guys might wanna see : Bella & Edward's wedding from Angela's POV (OME my first ever fanfic! Ahh, memories...) - http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8062981/ha...ght-fan-fiction About so years after BD, Edward & Bella back in the meadow - http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8089494/memory Ok, me and my friends ahve strange conversations that lead to weird fanfics, mkay?: http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8153183/de...ters-vs-volturi http://www.quizilla.com/stories/8308838/ed...pimpedor-not-xd
  24. WOOOW =[ that sucks!!! Poor you >_< I have to write a physics essay, and I was meant to do some finishing touches for my art coursework, but it's literally just sticking something in so I'll do that on the monday we go back and then hand it in. Oh! Speaking of art, I have artist research to finish actually XD brb
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