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Everything posted by jjthedq

  1. *dies laughing* There's something so wrong, yet so right, about this!
  2. How do you know for sure that they're definitely not fake? (I don't mean that like "Yeah, well, how do you know?". I mean, you sound very certain about this, so I'm wondering what makes you so certain.) I don't know, until I hear it confirmed by an agent or somebody directly connected to the people involved, I'll remain very skeptical. And it's totally understandable for someone to delete a bunch of stuff if they're faking it. If you're faking it right, you'll do everything you can to be convincingly real.
  3. i was going to get a room just for the thursday, we should share! Definitely! If I can, I totally will!!!
  4. I didn't know about Lauren and Jessica, but I knew about Ben and Eric. The Ben/Eric one was majorly controversial. I just remember everyone wondering what they were going to do about Lauren. So I don't think that one was as widely known.
  5. I am using Avid at the moment too, are courses certainly sound the same haha =] Epic! What course do you do and where? I'm a 2nd year Broadcast Journalism student at Leeds Uni. OME, Avid is SO freaking confusing, and you can do so much on it! Literally, I think you could take over the world using Avid.
  6. Is it a matter of editing it or finding the time? I'm probably irritating everyone with my constant Broadcast Journalism (BJ) chatter, but seriously, I do video editing on my course, and I'm in my second year. We use Avid. Not sure what you guys would use for editing, but that's what I've been trained on. I couldn't do anything at this exact time, but it sounds as if you've got LOADS of DVDs to get out there, and this one isn't exactly top priority, so it won't be gotten to for ages anyway. All I'm saying is that I would love to help out editing stuff together. My course is a lot easier in 3rd year, mostly essays with like one practical thing. Just think about it, please.
  7. I want to get there on Thursday, but it depends on my lectures. If I can skip town on Thursday afternoon, I'm SO there! Mind if I crash on your floor, Ellie?
  8. The link is for next year's calendar... IE 2010... Whatevs. I'm home for Christmas. I'll just come home with four like I did this last time, haha! I saw the Hot Topic staff more during my holiday home than I did my friends, and that's totally not an exaggeration!
  9. Oh right cool, i'll try and find out, but i have no idea what software we use! I haven't worked in the studio yet like doing live stuff. All i've been doing is recording using a marantz and then editing it on Adobe Audition! I'm giddy right now, haha! I love talking broadcasting! You're further ahead than you think. You'll edit your package on Adobe Audition. If I'm remembering correctly, you'll be recording from the ISDN onto Adobe as well, and it really is easy as. The ISDN line is just like a telephone line, but it involves a microphone on both ends. So the quality of audio you get is much better than in a phone recording. It sounds as if you've taken a marantz and spoken to someone in person, but it's for cases when that's not possible (such as this). So basically, you'll go into the studio, phone me up on my ISDN number, make sure the right things are turned up on the switchboard (your lecturer will be able to tell you which one and how high), hit record on Adobe Audition, and we'll just chat for a bit. When you're finished, you'll have our conversation already loaded onto Adobe and ready to edit! It really is brilliant. You can take what we've said and put it into a video editing software, such as Avid, and use it in a TV piece as well. I <3 ISDN's! Good Lord, I'm such a nerd!
  10. Suzanne, the ISDN thing is REALLY easy, promise! Just ask one of your tutors if your radio studio has one (I imagine it would) and if they could show you how to use it/record from it. What editing software do you use? Chances are, if you do something with radio again in the future, you'll use an ISDN at some point. Loads of big organisations have them, so you don't have to meet someone in person in order to interview them and get broadcast quality audio. Just think about it and speak to one of your tutors. I'd definitely recommend it though if you're already going to be interviewing people over the phone in the radio studio. :)
  11. We had the same guest encounters! Christian on Saturday and Justin Sunday! Epic. Wait, Kellan re-enacted a scene from Titanic? AND NOBODY FILMED IT?! Titanic is my favourite film of all times. Nothing will ever dethrone it. It's just amazing. I would love to see Kellan trying to be Jack or something, haha! I think I know who you are then because I recognised you but didn't say anything. Are you the girl from america? But lives over heree. That's me! :) I'm one of those crazy hybrid American Brits. Yeah. I went there. To be fair, there are times I'll answer my phone and people won't realise it's me because apparently I have an accent without meaning to. And when I went home, nobody knew what the hell I was talking about when I used British words like "queuing", haha! I wonder how many people Christian will tell about queuing now, haha! She was seriously brilliant! That was so funny, i didn't realise that americans didn't use the word queing. I bet it was quite odd though with all the different words for stuff. Luckily, I've gotten used to everything because I've lived hear for a year and a half. But I remember what it was like when I first got here. Same situation as Christian, except I was here to stay. I'd never been to England before, and it was just crazy. Poor thing. She was so great though! I really like her!
  12. Hey hun, I do Broadcast Journalism at uni, so I hear you on your project! Wish I could do a 5 minute radio feature on Twilight! What do you study? My uni has an ISDN line, and I imagine yours would too. So I can't meet you, but you can still get broadcast quality audio from me? I won two guest encounters, by the way, and I'm American (for logistics). Let me know if you want to chat, and I'll find out what our ISDN number is and book a slot in the radio studio. xxx
  13. Clair really did meet them, and I'm insanely jealous of her too! Fitty Ben Barnes? *melts* It's all legit though, promise, and she's a legend. OME, we all need to hang out again soon girls!
  14. Where in America? Well if we're both in America, you and I will get together and have our very own convention. YEAH! Take that.
  15. I've got the American one. It's very happily hanging on my wall now! Speaking of which... *runs to change the page to March*
  16. HAHA, too true! Bloody Forks is hotter in the summer than England! I'm surprised the Cullens don't holiday in England for the summer months.
  17. YES! OME that was so bloody brilliant! I'm sorry, but we rocked that song. I've got the soundtrack on now, and it makes me happy. Is it bad that I can basically watch the film in my head now?
  18. Exactly! And dancing a conga at the same time...
  19. We did not, we just wanted to stay until 3AM when the parties were SUPPOSED to end, not half past 12. There was no hassling.
  20. I hear you! It was hard to buy a ticket this time, and to plan so far ahead in advance. O no. NO NO NO NO NO! I may not even be in the COUNTRY for a third one! I graduate in July, 2010!!! *runs off to cry in a corner at how sucktastic it is to be foreign and wonder if she knows any guys who would marry her for citizenship...*
  21. we were the last ones dancing though... and you haven't got a certificate! we win! Yup! LAST ONES STANDING!!!
  22. We're already sold out of Gold and Silver tickets, and surely loads of Standard as well. So how long do you think before a third convention gets announced? Nooooo, I typed too fast and screwed up the subject!
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