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Runner (1/23)



  1. John's going to struggle to do any signings that far away from London this time round as he's got to be back every time for La Cage aux Folles each evening, unless he does Sunday's which is unlikely as it's his only day off. Looking at the venues they've listed so far they're all easily manageable to get back in time for the evening shows.
  2. boo689


    I agree entirely. As nice as it was to meet Lachlan, it's no longer really relevant to have him back again. Also think it's not right to have a poll with one option (democracy?!).
  3. I think having the SUV there is a great idea- although you'd probably have to pay me to get in it with John driving! Just want to mention again how much I'd love to see RTD at the Hub 3, he seems to be falling down in the votes a bit!
  4. I also think a Masked Ball would be great fun, however maybe we need to think of a way to link it back to TW? The Twisted Fairytale theme is also good, could be interesting planning costumes.
  5. Well, it might become one anyway... 'cause I believe a lot of JB fans are attending this solely because he is there. And I don't think they are bad people for being only interested in John. If they don't feel like attending the talks or getting all the auto's they are entitled to, then that's their business. There is a chance high chance that many John fans are attending simply because he will be there. However, they have the excuse (not that they need one) that John is the lead character in TW, the same does not apply to James- he's been in 3 episodes and by the time of Hub not have been in the show for an entire (albeit, mini) series.
  6. Much though I would love to see Gareth, and especially, Kai, back again at the next Hub, I've voted for RTD. I've been to talks of his before and he is a wealth of information, and also so entertaining. I think he'd fit in well with whoever the other guests end up being. I don't mean this to sound harsh but I'd rather have some of the production team who have worked on many episodes, than an actor who has only guested in one or two.
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