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Posts posted by Jedi_Tink

  1. Well I am currently considering three main costumes (rather then the mountain of a list I had before):

    • Tinkerbell (the Jeremy Scrumpter movie version)-This is a definate!
    • Mina Harker (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
    • Mary Kelly (From Hell)

    Haven't done a costume before so I am crossing everything for them to go well haha!

  2. hmm...*thinks for a while* so the Torchwood cosplay is still happening then? :( I'm glad, and if the list is still the same as before, as I haven't been on here for a while then I need to get my skates on for my Gwen costume hehe! Oops....


    Turkfox and Rickman>>>>What day you doing it?



  3. Hello, having problems accessing your web sight, do you have email?


    some updates,



    New Sparrow kit




    Edward Scissorhands


    Ichabod Crane from Sleepy Hollow


    Agent Sands from Once upon a time in mexico


    I shall keep attempting to get in contact, my email is jackcutler@hotmail.co.uk


    *cries out and hides* Your costumes are looking fantastic huni but the scissorhands one....*shudders* I'm scared! hehe!

  4. Ok so Suzie has been dead for three months so Ianto's gf has been dead for less than 3 months. I think if someone knocked off someone I cared for I'd be a smidge irritated at them and not about to compare stopwatches! And when Tosh read his mond didn't he say he was empty or something along those lines?


    Ok I understand your point there but he isn't going to mope around for ages as he has a job to do and the rest of the team's lives could be put in danger if he carried on down that path. Maybe he has decided he needs to move on...personally I think the whole flirting thing with Jack is his way of helping to get over his grief.

  5. At GMEX2, Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto) said that Ianto would get with someone and it was already obvious who - I immediately thought Jack because I'd seen some flirtation between them. So this came as good news to me, because I'd been hoping it was Jack and all the signs were pointing to it.



    But jack killed his girlfriend and he swore he would kill Jack. That doesn't disappear in 3? weeks!



    It hasn't been three weeks for them as Jack clearly pointed out in this week's episdoe that Suzie has been dead for 3 months when Torchwood hasn't even been showing on our screens for 2 months yet! lol!

  6. I might be able to fill in as Jack for you if you wanted. Just let me know when (I'll probably not be able to do it at a G-Mex though)


    Sounds great!! We don't know what event we are doing it at yet but it will be next year sometime. I'll get Turkfox to add you onto the list.

  7. I'd join you as Tosh as she's so cool, but I look nothing like her....


    YAY!! We have a Tosh! That is so cool...don't worry about not looking like her. I look NOTHING like Gwen haha....only thing is....


    I've changed my mind again, I want to be Owen! (Promise I won't change my mind again! ) I don't have the time, money or energy to be Jack.


    .....Who's going to be Jack now? :poki::(

  8. I personally think that this was the best episode by far as it was, for once, not revolved around Gwen. We are getting to learn more about each of the characters now. Ianto was amazing in this weeks episode and, yes, I'll admit it.....I cried hehe!



  9. I'll be Ianto. I have a rather nice suit that'd work. Believe it or not I have two suits, not just the good ol' Brown pinstripe. :D Or. I could go as The Doctor again, but make some sort of Jar for my right hand.


    Yay! We have a Ianto!!! :firedevil: hehe!


    Hand in the jar....I could just picture the Doctor holding that haha!

  10. And has anyone actually spotted that "Torchwood" is merely an annagram of "Doctor Who"?? :smile:


    Yeah it's when the producers put on the tapes when they had recorded Doctor Who to keep it secret.

  11. Well I have only watched the recent two series so I am going to be biased and saying Christopher and David....however once I start watching the classic series that may well change. :(


    Only thing is I can't quite decide between DT and CE :YAHOO: I mean I got into Doctor Who because I admire DT as an actor but then when I started to watch the first series I was like "He's a northerner....like me!" .....so I'll have to say they are both my joint favourites :wub:

  12. just want to say having been to all of the other shows this was the best

    every guest was great the crew was nice and the ques just fine

    well done showmasters just a party would have been icing on the cake :YAHOO::(



    TOM!!! Hey there, it's Kirsty. Can't seem to PM you on this site or email you so just to point out my email addy is is my sig. I'm glad you had a good time at the event...sorry I couldn't be there.

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