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Posts posted by neoroid

  1. I run with weights around my ankles and wrists. Not only does it improve my running (making it harder for me to run so my performance increases, much like running in sand), it helps tone muscles as well as it's almost like weight lifting every time I raise a foot or hand.


    But yes, diet and work out come hand in hand!

  2. I like the way smarties change the colour of your hands... when their colour sorta leaches out when you hold them too long... :huh:

    Hey cool avatar and name...Casshern is cool.

    Thankyou :saiyan:


    Had just watched it when signing up... for lack of a better name - neoroid... :blush: Yup definately a cool movie. Great style it was made in...


    ... so, yeah... Smarties... are.... um.. smartie-like.

  3. I think they should rename the Current movie and tv series section to CSI!


    BUT when the new section is up SM will have to remember to write it like this:


    Crime Scene Investigation

    CSI, CSI:NY and CSI:Miami discussion


    :D :D

    To right!We don't want to finally get our section and they don't include everything we want. :(

    Yup, finally get it up there and they do it wrong!! but SM could never do that!!

  4. I like the idea of being a CSI - I could be one but I don't know if I could cope with the dealines and pressure AND be patient with the evidence.

    Some in a military installation like the SGC - Could be! Join the Army/Airforce and be patient!

    Now to be on the Enterprise or Serenity would be amazing. So much fun! I would be ALWAYS on the holo-deck in the Enterprise. Being on Serenity would just be a laugh, I'd spend all day trying to annoy Jayne... heee


    *goes away into own little world*

  5. From what I've heard of this ep it sounds classic tarantino! All the CSI communities on LJ are raving about it! *keeps mouth shut*



    Should get to downloading it! But I want to watch it on telly :D

  6. I think they should rename the Current movie and tv series section to CSI!


    BUT when the new section is up SM will have to remember to write it like this:


    Crime Scene Investigation

    CSI, CSI:NY and CSI:Miami discussion


    :D :D

  7. I must admit Catherine is getting on my nerves too! She is too highly strung for my liking at the moment... Everyone seems to be "against" her. Constantly complaining, and she's making more mistakes...


    Anyway! Woo Greg and Archie!! :wub:

  8. Greg and Archie!!!! Wooo! They definately should get more time together on screen! I'm not even sure they know each other exist! *sniff* But if they did....*kinky eyebrows*


    Um, Grissom/Sara for more conventional ship and Warrick/Cath too! Oh and Nick/Greg too!! Can't forget those two! :angry:

  9. I think they need more of the "newbies" in the coroners lab... There's one ep in Season Three.... Precious Metal! That's the one... where Dr. Al Robbins is talking through the soap body in the chemical drum and there's a guy in the background making notes... who eventually runs out.


    Like the old show Quincy! (Remember that???? Like CSI before CSI lol). I think it would make for an entertaining ep if we had some newbie coroners!! :P Like students and the like!!

  10. Heee, I was talking to Sah and we agreed that there are some characters in past series of CSI that we wouldn't mind seeing again...


    I suggested Lady Heather. From the episodes 3.15 - Lady Heathers Box and 2.8 - Slaves of Las Vegas. I know her and Grissom didn't part well... Ok, well we see Grissom in his car at the end of 3.15 sorta "regretting" But I would love to see the characters together again. See where it goes, if anything.


    So... in short... Discuss! ;):wub:

  11. Basically its the processor... or what ever they have instead. Sounds like a conventional run of the mill PC fan wont work for it. And the water cooling will rack up the price.


    Hope it's gonna look as good as the ps2 did. That black shell was mighty sexy!


    I'll probably end up getting the PS3 and Xbox 360, especially if the secrets about the PS3 are anything to go by... Personally Nintendo disappointed me with the DS so I don't think I'll be looking at the nintendo console.

  12. I got the crystal, um.... turn of the year as well, if not before christmas... well I got it with my new telly, and I'll be damned if I can remember when that was. Either way, first launch console you *have* to be prepared to pay a high price for it. So if you want it you save for it!


    Whats the point in waiting for the price to go down? Before you know it the next one up is out and you're one step behind.

  13. I have a weakness for prawn crackers... if I eat any more I'll become a prawn cracker...


    OKies, aeros... Well 5/10, as a chocolate bar they suck, as a stomach filler they're ok...


    Fish and Chips! (with dressing of your choice! Personally I go for vinegar and scraps!)

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