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Posts posted by alondria

  1. if I have time and can make a decent pattern after I've finished my potter costume then I'll hopefully be going as mako-chan from sailor moon, in her school uniform





    its meant to be a light beige khaki isn't it?

  2. I think the thing that looks like a crest on the ring are just chips from where the jewel cracked





    I don't think that is the pensieve, they are just a stone bowl, they don't come on such a large stand. at first i thought it was the dais in the department of mysteries but they usually have something to rest a book/notes on the top, like in some churches





    My theory about harrys money is that it comes from profits from making golden snitches

  3. I think the thing with the sun 'knowing' who died was from a couple of weeks before those two guys were arrested. it was based on bets made by residents in the town where the book is printed suddenly being focused on one character

  4. I watched clone wars on toonami, think I've seen them all at least twice :D the cartoon and film actually left me with a question because a character in the cartoon is so different from the film



    I'll leave that at that until more have seen clone wars because even that may be more than some people want to know but as someone said if you've seen sith there isn't much to spoil





    can't you rent season 1?

  5. same here, my friends and i will all be getting it at midnight and I'll doubt we even get as far as turning the radio on or anything. but sometimes you prefer to find things out for your self





    and this really isn't that far in advance, it will be exactly 8 weeks this saturday

  6. if your in the uk and want to see it but can't go to tools> internet options> connections> LAN settings and in the proxy server bit type in the left box and 80 in the right



    that should make gobletoffire.com accesable instead of getting some dumb message, just remember to go back into the settings and turn it off, otherwise it makes other websites really slow

  7. for c8 i want to go as a durmstrang student, am going to write to jo and ask what the school crest is for that one




    I'm also considering, if i have time going as an elf, dorothy from big o, hikaru from reyearth, or maybe (and I'm sorry to steal this from someone but it sounds so cool) a necromonger




    but it depends on what patterns and material i can find

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