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Posts posted by KDJ

  1. Due to a clash I've had to choose and the other option has won.

    Hope you all have a fantastic time and hope to see you all at the next one! (Chevron 8?)



    edit necessary because of the forum rules - sorry!


    Same here Wabit. Gutted!

  2. You can'tr tease me with only two pics!


    It was pleasure, briefly seeing you all at LFCC by the way.


    What di you think of Claudia's Talk?


    Was indeed lovely to see you. Yes it was definitely short but sweet, we had to rush off for Claudia's autograph. I did come seek you out before we left at 3.30 but you must have been hiding. We officially like Claudia, she can come back :D


    Pics you say? Here are a few more...






    I think you looked good in the photo's

    Why thank you! :( Did you make it LFCC?

  3. LOL! can you imagine if Daniel was secretly in love with Carter all this time but too shy to mention anything? - but that's another story. I think you should hop a long and see Continuim asap. There are a few suprise cameos int it. Did you take any photos at the event darling! with your stealth camera?


    Things are going to be hetic this weekend.. I can see it now! Are you attending LFCC still?


    Shabs :)


    That would make a good story line - Daniel confides in Teal'c his true feeling towards Carter. He had been hiding the emotions away, due to the way Jack and Carter looked at each other. Teal'c address the issue secretly with Carter who feels a sense of appreciation. After giving it some thought, she asks Daniel and Jack to the briefing room to discuss the feeling between each other. Jack plays it cool, where daniel constanly looks at his toes and raises his eyebrows for a quick sign of emotion from jack. Jack starts to respond with a slight mumble, saying .... to be continued.. LOL!

    Haha, is that when Jack confesses he loved Daniel all along? :chair:


    Yep we're still going along to LFCC on the Saturday. I'm just getting Claudia but I think the others are getting a couple more autos. Oh I took loads of pics with my not so stealth camera. Only the flash ones taken in the first 2 minutes came out well though, the rest are fine so long as you don't mind yellow. Didn't take any in the evenings, hands occupied by glass of water as they say.

  4. Hi KDJ ( what was your name again)


    If it makes you feel better I would not have agreed to doing the interview if a had not had 0ne or four glasses of wine as I hate being of camera as I look a right idiot but this video shows we were there


    Which is fine unless geekdom is your dirty secret! It was a laugh though I must admit, and I'm sure no-one I know would see it anyway. Except when sods law gets in the way and my boss just happens to see it whilst channel surfing.




    Speaking on daniel Jackson, Do you know what happens to him in stargate Continum? You might whant to close your eyes during that scene.... I think I would ba able see you in your Stealth ninja costume - The only way I could tell it was you, would be the DVD player with Supernatual attached to your belt. Oh! and the SG-1 patch on your arm! LOL! and the zat gun!.... LOL!


    Have I left anything out? ;)

    Nope completely spoiler free. Need to close my eyes? Doesn't kiss Carter does he? :wub:

    Don't forget the vodka cunningly disguised as a bottle of Buxton. Not much of a ninja, don't think I'd be able to move with that lot. Best go sit in a queue!

  5. LOL! I did have some inventive questions. LOL! I think your voice was great! have you picked out your ninja suit yet?



    Stitch up questions more like :D Oh of course the ninja suit's all ready to go. I wear it every night when I sneak out to help the helpless- a la ninja Daniel LOL. I'd wear it LFCC but due to my powers of stealth no-one would see it anyway :P

  6. I haven't reviewed your footage yet.... I'm saving the best for last....

    Shabs :YAHOO:



    Oh well if you've not seen it yet I've still got time to sneak in ninja style in the dead of night and tape over my bits then. 5 minutes of us sitting in the queue do?! Either that or have myself dubbed by someone with an ultra sexy voice and something deep and meaningful to say. Not that you can answer "Did you cry when Daniel died?" in a deep and meaningful way :dance:

  7. Hi :no: Shabs I am Matt you videoed me for Sky

    when is the Sky video from Chevron 7 live and




    Hi Matt,


    Thanks for the interview! it turned out awesome,


    Unfortunately these things are not instant, Sky might not like my work and not use any of it.


    I'm sure we will place something up on the forum as soon as we know something. it has only been a week,


    Hope to chat soon,


    Shabs :)

    Sure there wasn't a horrible accident involving the tapes? Maybe they were 'accidentally' dunked in a large glass of wine, or replaced by an alternative cinema recording? I can but hope LOL!!!

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