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Everything posted by Monkee

  1. Both companies put out great titles. It would be hard to distinguish which came out on top because the balance tips one way and then the other every few months. I will have to sit down and work out my favourite titles and more specifically my favourite story arcs...
  2. I have got the first 4 isues and the Director's Cut. However, I got let down on the variants by my local FP. I am glad that another chain has opened in Bristol and the prices are cheaper (yay!). Anyway, great so far and the new arc is rumoured to be a doozy... Monkee
  3. Remember that Vince McMahon is in a very powerful position where he can make people rich. Very few wrestlers are in the business for the love of it. Long time followers will know that McMahon deliverately did the Power Mad ego character in direct response to Bischoff in the old WCW. It caught on well with his Steve Austin feud and used it to elevate others to big face time personas. You will see him come back periodically now when needed and has said he intends the whole family to stay off screen and promote the great talent he now has. He has developed many characters and is in a better situation with on screen personas, so does not need to be The Boss all the time. Just look at how HHH, Angle and others have matured their onscreen characters. I am not denying McMahon has an ego, but look at the off screen stuff he does with the overseas troops and charities and you will see he has a softer side. Oh, as regards the kissing, Linda said about 3 years ago that all kisses with on screen talent are cleared with her first. Otherwise they do not happen. Monkee
  4. Hi all....just read through the posts and thought I would chuck in a few things. The Big Show is in one episode of season 4 of Enterprise and is a non speaking role listed as Orlean Slave #1. It is rumoured he got the gig as Smackdown is on the same network as Enterprise and Paul Wight aka The Big Show was asked for as The Rock's appearance on Voyager went well for viewing figures. The reasoning for Orton vs HHH straight away is rumoured two fold with an instant interest in it (see this weeks Raw for what I mean - something Orton says) and also to write HHH out for a few months so that he can film the movie he was due to make in the Spring. This is rumoured to start in a few weeks as HBK is back. The rumour for the Kane/HBK feud is that it will be short and sweet and possibly have Michaels use the "Sanctity of marriage" angle (Michaels is heavily religious in real life and you can see this in all of his t-shirt designs and his praying like bow during his entrance) as to why he has gone after Kane coupled with the attack by Kane on him after Hell In A Cell vs HHH. It is then rumoured he will go into a feud with Orton over the title (they have a history) with a similar ending in the future being that HHH will come back and HBK will reiterate the "BE A MAN" comment issued by Benoit after Summerslam. Post Unforgiven it will be an ongoing feud with Flair, Batista and the probable new recruit of Edge. This may lead to a Survivor Series match up featuring HBK/ORTON/JERICHO/BENOIT against EDGE/FLAIR/BATISTA/HHH or CHRISTIAN. The Wrestlemania XXI match of Orton vs HHH is still on but the original plan of Orton the heel and HHH the face is up in the air as it is again rumoured they will be pushing Orton as a Rock like persona. Anyway, these are just rumours I have picked up on wrestling sites and message boards. As regards Smackdown, the return of Angle will probably lead into him regaining the title with JBL being sent back down the pile hopefully. Anyways, does anyone know if Unforgiven is on PPV or Sky over here? Monkee
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