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Posts posted by scifiwhore

  1. I'll be copying you for Men in Black then as I'm sure that's one I can't do on my own :lol:


    apart from last weekend, it's been a year since I went to a con so I'm a little out of practice! :D


    surfy sah xx

    ps-your list of fave shows on your profile is impressively massive!!!!! :dance:


    Uh oh, now I actually have to do a half decent job of remembering it! :huh:


    Aww, I'm sure you'll pick it up again quickly! :D


    Hee, thanks, I think the worrying part is that it's probably missing a few shows - haven't updated it since I joined the forums. TV addict extraordinare :eek: lol

  2. oh yeah Men in Black awesome!!! :lol:


    oh and the I Would Walk 1000 Miles one, which was reminded of when MoJoe mentioned doing the wrong dance, cause you get people who just walk on a mission accross the dance floor and then you get people like me who have no clue and get it wrong and just when finally get it right, the song is done!!! hahaha! :lol:


    surfy sah xx


    That's exactly what I was like lol I was so chuffed with myself when I finally picked up the Men In Black dance and then the bloody song ended! :D


    lets hope you have a dj that has them and is willing to play them


    *Fingers crossed*


    hey sorry my internets been broken for ages, im so exited i know u from collectormania (number cant remeber) but if u remeber me i know kai owen from torchwood and i went with u and offerd cerial to conner trinner and paul migilian. ?!?!?!?! any recoglection? u may remeber me when u see me. pls let me know xoxxo


    Ohhhh of course - I remember you now! Mandy with the awesome hat, right? Sorry about that, my memory's usually pretty good lol. It'll be great to see you again! :D

  4. I voted Ben Browder, Kavan Smith and Christopher Heyerdahl.

    Second choices would be David Hewlett, Chuck Campbell and Dan Shea.


    Would've voted for Ryan Robbins too if I could've have but there wasn't an option to ;)

  5. Oooh seconded, that was fun at the last one.


    How about something like a "2010" futuristic-y theme?


    Isn't like that in 2 years? But I like the futuristic-y theme idea. Beware the foil! lol :YAHOO:


    It is, I just meant that the idea would be based on that episode so it would be related to Stargate in some way :blink:

  6. I voted Ben Browder, Kavan Smith and John de Lancie (more because I loved his character in Star Trek than SG-1 really). Second choices would probably be Amanda Tapping (would've been my first choice if she weren't going to Collectormania MK too :D), Chuck Campbell and Christopher Heyerdahl because of their roles in Sanctuary as well.


    It's a shame Corin Nemec's name wasn't on the list, probably would have voted for him. Does he not do UK conventions or something?

  7. Name: Anna

    Age: 22

    Location: Denmark

    Ticket Type: Silver (gold was sold out)

    Reasons for going: I love conventions, and I loved the cosiness of Chevron 7, so, here I am again (along with me girlfriend wink.gif)


    Hi there Abi biggrin.gif *waves* remember me? :)


    Hi :headscratch: - yes of course I remember talking to you guys in the queue! And I think I've also got you added on Facebook! :D Great to see you're going again this year!

  8. 1. Name: Abi

    2. Age: 18

    3. Location: Stirling, Scotland

    4. Ticket Type: Silver

    5. Reason for Going: Last year was great so I'm coming back again this year and dragging a friend with me!






    OMG I KNOW YOU!!! yay im so exited theres gonna be someone there i know. how r u do u know who i am????


    Ohhhhh awesome, hi!! I don't know you from your screenname but I'm sure I would if I saw you! Did I meet you at the first Chevron 7?

  9. 1. Name: Abi

    2. Age: 18

    3. Location: Stirling, Scotland

    4. Ticket Type: Silver

    5. Reason for Going: Last year was great so I'm coming back again this year and dragging a friend with me!



  10. This is me in my Stargate military uniform but I'll be in normal clothes this weekend. I love meeting new people so come say hi if you see me! :P




    Only three days to go! :chair:

  11. It's always amazed me the looks you get off people when you say you go to conventions. I always seems to get the question of "what do people do at these 'conventions' then?" as if we're a gathering of nutters but I've gotten to the point where I just ignore it now, say "each to his own", and look forward to the times where I get to hang out with you guys who understand why conventions are so much fun!


    I don't think i have any friends that don't go to cons themselves anyway,or at least have the same interests as me ...in fact,come to think of it..i don't think i have any friends unsure.gif


    Aww, I'll be your friend too! Now you have two friends! :chair:

  12. Would anyone be willing to post their pictures that you took of the fancy dress goers. I'd love to see some of the ones of me (Ori Prior) mine didn't come out to good. I'd also love to see the others as there were some top notch ones.


    thank you.


    Oh, I think I have one of you somewhere! I'll have a look and see if I can find it. Your costume was awesome by the way! :D

  13. *Waves* Hoping to book my ticket tomorrow so I should be coming along.


    Real Name - Abi

    Age/Location - 18, From Leicestershire initially but now living up north in Warrington

    Most wanted guest for Chevron 7? Michael Shanks/Amanda Tapping/Claudia Black/Ben Browder (couldn't pick just one!)

    Hotel? (Park Inn, Ibis etc) - Ibis I think

    Favourite Stargate Character? Daniel :D and the wonderful Vala of course

    Favourite Movie? The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert

    Favourite Other TV Show? Yikes, where do I start? Firefly, Farscape, Buffy, Angel, Chuck, etc.

    Favourite Music? Most anything

    Anything else we need to know? First convention that's more than just a one day thing that I've attended on my own so I'm a bit nervous :WINCE:

  14. Thats fine, i'll stay with anyone if it makes the room cheaper hehe.

    My friend is going now btw, so as long as you can make it, thats three of us now so the hotel bill is getting cheaper :)

    Ironically its cheaper for her to fly into birmingham international (from glasgow) then train to northampton than it is to get the train the whole way! Im like an expert at finding people cheap transport but even I couldnt get anything cheap other than flying down! Tis getting expensive on the trains!


    Do you have a livejournal or facebook? Im on both of those. My lj addy is in my sig and thats usually the best way to get hold of me.


    Ohhh brilliant! Looks like I'll almost definitely be able to afford to go now then! ;)


    Really?! That's crazy, I had no idea flights could be cheaper than trains!


    Ahh they are expensive but one advantage of being a student is the railcard, I get 1/3 off all my train fares, got from Warrington to Milton Keynes for Collectormania for only about £17 for a return ticket! I'm hoping I'll be able to get my ticket to Northampton for about the same, fingers crossed.


    I have both although I don't tend to go on facebook quite as often as LJ. I'll go add you now.

  15. Cool. If you do go, what days were you thinking of? ie fri to sun or fri to mon or something else?


    Btw, I forgot to mention in the original post, just incase it makes any difference, im a 25 year old guy. I know some people dont stay with guys/girls if their opposite sex or something.

    Am fully hotel trained though. My best friend (female) is hoping to come too, just depends on if she can get down for less than £60 on the trains!

    And this will be my 7th event this year!


    I'm planning on the Friday to the Sunday currently. I'm an 18 year old female if that's okay, and no worries as long as you're not a psychopathic serial killer it's fine by me! ;) Has your friend tried going down to her local train station? I always find you can get tickets much cheaper there if you're willing to be on a set train (rather than open return) than you can online.

  16. It now looks like I can do chevron 7 as work owe me 2 days off and have asked me to pick a weekend next month to take off.

    However, A room on my own is a bit pricey, so I was wondering if anyone needs somewhere to stay/share with?


    When the event was announced, I took the opportunity to book TWO hotels for that weekend, so I have a room booked at the ibis AND at the park inn.

    The ibis is booked for 3 nights for £112.50, and the park inn is booked for 3 nights current at £180. So staying 3 nights the ibis is better, but if staying only for two nights, then Im pretty sure I can cancel the sunday night at the park inn and for only £20 extra will be better off staying there at the venue.

    Btw if you try and book atm, the park inn is FULL, and ibis costs a bit more.


    Trouble is, as I mentioned at the beginning, I need roomies!

    If I can get two roomies for 3 nights (so 3 of us total), thats £37.50 in the ibis, or £60 each in the park inn for ALL THREE nights. 4-5 people and its even cheaper!


    I'd be happy to share. I haven't booked my ticket yet as I won't have any money until the end of the month so I won't be able to say I'm definitely going until then.

  17. I went on my own to a convention last weekend for the first time and it was actually the best time I ever had at a convention because I got the chance to speak to so many more people! I wouldn't be nervous at all, I'm sure you'll have a great time! :D If you're still feeling a bit nervous drop me a line (I'm abigailmarissa on LiveJournal which is probably the best way to find me) and my friend and I will find you when we get there! ;)


    Ah awesome, thanks so much for all of your replys :) sounds like i should be ok if i go then, hey zebredy im from leicestershire a little town called market harborough..


    No way! Crikey, it's a small world, I'm from Coalville, my mum still lives down there!

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