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Everything posted by Lara

  1. Caz, you're doing great with your 12 days of xmas song! We should go carol singing and sing it!
  2. I didn't post that twice! Did I? No I did not indeed! Silly computer. Yay Gaffer! When did get to be Big Cheese?
  3. AGENT SAM!!!! As soon as I eventually got on here, I got kicked off again by the boss! Oh well. Don't know wots been happening down ere at probbit. Must catch up. *goes off to browse other threads*
  4. AGENT SAM!!!! As soon as I eventually got on here, I got kicked off again by the boss! Oh well. Don't know wots been happening down ere at probbit. Must catch up. *goes off to browse other threads*
  5. I'm a gaffer! When did that happen?? YAY! My art is on Planet Laa now. Me happy!!
  6. Aparantley, I'm not a user of this forum. Nor am I a guest or an anonymous user. Therefore, I do not exist on Showmasters forum. :-(
  7. mmmmmmmmm Minstrals! Delicious!
  8. mmmmmmmmm Minstrals! Delicious!
  9. YAY! I'm so happy for Frodo! Frodo meets Frodo! Just take LOADS N LOADS of pics! Can you still afford to come and stalk Nathan Lane? Yep. That song sounds just like you!
  10. LotR please can you give me your MSN so I can add you to mine? And anyone else who I haven't talked to yet please! Yes babFRODO some good pictures did emerge from our watery adventure!!
  11. That Street Fighter online game does sound fabu! Shame you can't use Gandalf or I could kick your cybernetic(?) spam! I don't think I could play it until I get a control pad for PC that actually works though!
  12. Oh look at all them lovely pccies!! Me like! Aha, I see now this is th REAL Chun-Li appreciation thread!! Yes you can post/send the photo, Skylover. Its not too embarrassing is it? I don't look like a dork on it do I?
  13. Found MSN now. Derp! Frodo, more stories!!
  14. I haven't done the Cammy one yet and I only did Fiona once at C6. I could have been me on your photo but then again there were FIVE Laras at the first LFACC!
  15. Hello agents!!! babyFRODO, I LOVED reading your story it was SO FUNNY!! You got Brigg's style of writning down to a T!! IT'S BRILLIANT. You should write some more. That's cheered me up that has and I really needed to be cheered up!
  16. Why won't they let you go as LOTR??? That seems unfair. After all its for charity isn't it? How can you dress up as a celebrity anyway? They are just normal people in expensive clothers and make-up!
  17. Is anybody 'ere? I've lost MSN!!
  18. I'm not too sure what cozzies I will be doing at which events. But my wardrobe consists mostly of Lara's range of outfits from the games and movies, plus Chun-Li and Cammy costumes! Oh and Princess Fiona's dress! Aaarrggghh!! I don't have any normal clothes!!
  19. My MSN is aytascicek@hotmail.com
  20. Very nice axe! I've missed you all again!!!
  21. NO YOU'RE NOT! Who told you that? Was it that Simon Scowell?!
  22. You all must already be on MSN tonight coz nobodys here! *Sniff*
  23. Aw, thankees!! Don't be shy! I'm nice really!! I don't normally go around threatening people. Only Gandalf
  24. Whooopppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I got MSN!!!!
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