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Posts posted by M'ladyAthos

  1. Hi Yes I know VT is free, but then those getting them are because they are wanting an autograph so will be paying around £20 and queuing up, I do see what you are saying in that if you don't want to pay for an autograph and just meet the guest then there is that option, but they are taking VT tickets then - just seems a little unfair as I say on fellow fans and SM itself

  2. Hi,


    just been reading thread giving detailed FAQ's - one question being..

    can I speak to /meet guest without paying for an autograph? have to admit was surprised to see that reply was possible is their queue was quiet or had separate photo table and was down to discretion of steward at the time - surely that is a little unfair on other fans who purchase VT's and as SM say on them as this is where their fees are covered too?

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