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Posts posted by toria

  1. Thanks for all your replies...


    I know really deep down I will might risk missing things unless I wait till closer to book tickets!


    With the price going up for entry and also travel cards unfortunately this year I really need to pick one day I usually do both days if something runs over...

    I am happy to go in the crowds on Saturday (even last year I didn't have any problems... I got there around 8am and got in quickly!!)


    I wish I could see into the future that would be more handy!

  2. Hello all!


    With the announcement of RDA I am going to buy my photo shoot tickets on Thursday.


    Every other year I usually wait until around May to book tickets to see what talks or other people might be going and the decide what day or days to go on.


    I really don't want to miss out this year so I plan on buying my photo shoot tickets asap.... but i'm worried if i booked Saturday will I miss out on Sunday.


    I can only afford one day this year! (i plan on moving house around that time) so i need to pick the best day.

    How do you guys pick so far in advance? I do prefer Saturday and i feel like Saturday would be the safer day, although I have done some pretty cool stuff on Sundays too...

    Oh it is too hard to decide...




    toria :thumbup:


    Waiting for folks that I would "die to see" as money is very limited at the mo ((fingers crossed))


    Ditto,same here,I'm only going to go if any guests are announced that fall into that particular category of "dying to meet" which is why I have'nt bought my tickets yet,I'm going to wait & see what happens in the next few weeks,I may well be going if things change,if not,I'll wait until July 2015,I'll see :angel:


    Same again here!


    No one jumping out for me... so at the moment I am holding off tickets!


    Need to save some monies, next year I am determined to move out! :dance:


    I have to say when i worked in retail we would get the odd Scottish note.


    I personally would always be a little skeptical as i had no way of telling if they were real or not (not like with English notes)


    I would say next time it might be worth exchanging them for English notes or getting some extra cash out at a cash point.

    But the whole point of the original post is that we Scots shouldn't be treated any differently since we are all part of Britain. We shouldn't need to get English money out. Admittedly I do do this, ever since my Scottish money was refused at a signing table (really embarrassing with the actor looking on at me being refused service).


    As for not being able to tell if they are real - you do it the same way you do with any British money. Check it against the light and also look for the metallic strip. No different. Working in retail you must know that.



    I don't think its you being treated differently. Its just a confusion with the money and as we rarely get Scottish notes in London and down south. Plus if they need to give out change etc they need to have enough english notes etc.


    I still think getting English money out or exchanging will save from any issues as it is so busy and hetic and if people aren't aware of these notes i would understand their hesitation to take them.


    Even though I used to work in retail we weren't shown anything about Scottish notes and I wouldn't accept them most the time.

  5. I have to say when i worked in retail we would get the odd Scottish note.


    I personally would always be a little skeptical as i had no way of telling if they were real or not (not like with English notes)


    I would say next time it might be worth exchanging them for English notes or getting some extra cash out at a cash point.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm always so nervous and shy when I get autographs so I usually opt for photos.


    However David Hewlett has always been a ultimate must meet person for me. SO i got a photo and a auto.


    I was the last person to get an autograph after me they started turning people away... so i got the chance to have a bit of a chat. I actually managed more than a shy thank you very much hope you are having a nice time before running away and managed to have a little chat. He was soooo friendly in the photo and even more so when i got an autograpgh. His voice sounded like it was going but he was still super kind and seemed like he was still very happy to be there.


    Really made my weekend :blush::clap:

  7. I actually had a fantastic time (only ruined by my stinking cold)


    Me and my partner didn't even realise there were issues until we sat down for dinner after the GoT screening and read the forum posts.


    I have to say it was VERY VERY BUSY and hot, but I had expected that because of Stan Lee.


    I got to meet David Hewlett (he was so lovely) and get a photo on the iron throne. I also got to look round the stalls and I enjoyed the GoT screening.


    My only complaints/points are :

    The Sherlock talk the speakers were not good and i couldn't hear a word.

    The chairs in the talks are way too small (my partner is 6ft 6") and i think they need bigger chairs, he ended up in agony.

    And no one told me where to check my raffle number so i missed out on that.


    Other than that I got there at 8:30 in around 9:30, enjoyed myself and it was very memorial for me. Didn't leave till GoT screening finished so got to look round the stalls properly in the morning and then after 5pm!

    The atmosphere was great, i had NO problems at all exiting and re-entering in the building


    I am sad to see so many people didn't enjoy themselves though. I know how much I look forward to this event every year so my sympathy to go to you all.

    • Like 1
  8. I find these responses strange.


    We got there at about 8:20ish, asked a crew member where to go (long old walk to the back of the queue) joined the back, then we were in 9:40ish, defo way before 10am.


    40mins to get in i thought was reasonable as the queue was crazy long.

    • Like 1
  9. I personally was dreading going as I have been really unwell all week.

    BUT i made myself get up and go and hey a few hours in I felt 100x better... obviously a good cure for me!! :dance:


    I had a great day though. David Hewlett has been a big hero of mine and I meet him and had a photo too and I enjoyed all the stalls and the atmosphere.

  10. I don't want really want to add to the complaints but i just wanted to mention this and see if anyone else had the same issue,


    The seats in the talks are just WAY WAY WAY too small!! We have noticed this for the last 3 years we have been going.


    We went to the GoT screening (which was great) but my partner who is 6ft6" ended up in agony because he was next to another broad guy and there just isn't enough room and then i ended up at a funny angle too because his shoulders were taking my space as there just wasn't enough room.


    It does massively put me off going to talks (esp when i pay £40 for us to go)


    I understand you want to put as many chairs in as possible to give as many people a chance to see the talks but when everyone is so close there isn't room for even your shoulders it seems crazy! Just a little extra room or slightly wider chairs would make it so much more comfortable.


    anyway other than that I personally had a wonderful day and hey it didn't rain either!

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