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kyle longbottom

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Everything posted by kyle longbottom

  1. Well it happens I am a little disappointed to not be able to talk to Dobby (toby Jones) but you dont get everything. So the guy who played jason needs to take care of himself before coming to see us. Don't you think? Kyle longbottom
  2. Hi all I am glad we didnt get the tickets for lord of the rings screening. It was a mad house!! I mean the line for the harry potter stars were more accessiable. Over all i enjoyed it all. I wish thought that if you have another one that you have all the stars from the pratcular movie like Harry potter they all stay in one stall. Like Matt christian and the twins and dobby (toby) in one area instead of have dobby in one area and the twins and matt, Christain and the phelp twins on the other side. Other then that I loved it!! Kyle Longbottom
  3. Well why didnt you do the chant with me?? I would of been good to have everyone say WEASLEY'S RULE!! We all know Oliver liked it right?? It was ollie right?? Kyle longbottom
  4. That was me!!!!!! i took the water bottle!! *lol* sorry guys - i know its sad ... but it was funny. It was James' water bottle - i couldnt find Olivers, i didnt know which one it was!! Oh, and Weasleys DO rule - congrats for the thumbs up from Oliver - i'm very Jealous! hope you had fun :) Kate xxxxxxx P.S its not weird i took the water bottle ..... Oh sorry!! What are you going to do with it?? i thought of taking one but then decided not to. Kyle Longbottom
  5. well He goes!!!!! the come in and I hollered the Weasleys rule and Oliver held up his hand and oliver was on the left matt next then james then christain. Dobby didnt show. We took a lot of photos since they said it would distrub there eyes. christain said the chamber was hugh and why he they didnt let everybody on set is becuase it was deep in some areas and slippery. Oliver had signed a potatoe and matt had signed a pepper shaker. Matts eyed bulged out when I said in some instances there was wierd people like with dawn wells had one person think she survived the island and i asked like has a woman exposed her breasts for you to sign thats when matts eyes bulgled out. Oliver said they used the center of the train station for the kings crossing scene. Another question someone said is which house would you be in. Oliver and James said gryffindor matt said hufflepuff in which i hollered back to him hufflepuff rules and then christain choulson said he would like to be in slytherin. Oh what else, some girl took james bottle after he drank it i was going to take a bottle but then i said wait a minute thats wierd. oh if they couldnt have careers after harry potter then Oliver said he would become a enigneer, Matt said he would be in the army, James said he would continue with acting or go in the entertainment industry somewhere and I forget what coulson said. what else, i asked christan would he feel comfortable doing a nude scene and he said he already did. He said it was interesting doing the nude scene (this was not part of the discussion we had in the theatre) Oh someone asked which chacracters do you like Olie and james said there characters matt said i believe neville. christain said i think viktor krum. Matt hasnt finished the order of the phoneix yet. (not part of the discussion but i asked if i could use him images on my website when he was going on a break). Kyle Longbottom
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