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Posts posted by JamesH

  1. No they've said that just liek other SM events, no matter what ticket you have, you can get a VQ ticket to get anyone's autograph, captain's included.


    So get a single day pass and get there early enough (like any LFCC event) and you could get a decent enough VQ to meet a/all the captains :smile:



    I'm a bit dubious about that from past experiences, all 5 of them will be moving between the talks, photoshoots and platninum/VIP signings. You might get a VQ ticket but I'd say the chances of actually getting an autograph are pretty slim.


    Maybe I'll decide nearer the time.

  2. You're pretty much screwed if all you want to do is get a single autograph of one of the Captains.


    £29 just to get into the place is already ridiculously overpriced as is the rest of the packages.


    Platinum pass at £899 is the first time it mentions being able to get a Captains autograph, people who can afford this clearly have more money than sense.


    I was really looking forward to this until I realised I've been priced out of it.

  3. Has anyone elses suspected that they bought a repackaged item, that was apparently sold as new?


    For example:

    On the Saturday at LFCC, I bought an electronic TARDIS replica that looked like it was BNIB. I've only just had a chance to open the box, and have found that it is dirty all around the base, with a huge scratch on the left side, a few small scratches on the back windows, and with battery springs that have no "springness" within them.


    There are a few spots of dirt on all sides of it aswell, and one of the "Police Public Call Box" stickers on a light up part has evidence of peeling off.


    I paid £45 for it. I then see the same thing for £10 on the Sunday, quite close to the con entrance.


    I'm kind of getting the "ripped off" feeling here as I bought something that I was told was brand new, when the evidence states that it had been opened and returned before.


    Anyone else have that happen to them during LFCC?


    Most of the merchandise on sale is usually pretty good, but generally overpriced in my opinion. The stall selling retro consoles and games was a disgrace with regards to pricing so I wouldn't touch it was a 10 foot barge poll. I've bought anime figurines from a few stalls and always haggle the price down if I think its too much.


    Its mainly down to word of mouth and personal judgement whether something is good quality or worth the price on the stalls.


    If you know which stall you bought it from I suggest you try contacting them directly to sort it out, most stalls will have a website/contact details.

  4. Empire gave it 2/5, I havent actually read the review but I'd give it the same.


    Yeah, Empire said it was better than the 2nd one, even though they gave it 3 stars and this one 2. Use the Empire star system with caution lol.


    Personally I love the first Transformers, funnny, great effects, good action and brings back that great feeling of nostalgia and childhood memories.


    Unfortunately the 2nd and 3rd ones Bay has gone all Wachowski brothers on us and delivered an overhyped and overlong CGI sh*t fest with ridiculous plot (using the term loosely) and terrible acting, with zero chemistry between the two human leads.


    However, like some posts say, these movies make money, so I expect it'll keep going.

  5. Why would he not sign Highlander?


    He's been known to turn down interview questions and autographs related to Highlander, sort of like the way Alec Guiness was fed up of just being remembered for Star Wars.


    This was awhile ago though, so I'm hoping he's changed his mind becuase I love him in Highlander :)

  6. Didn't get to meet Christopher Lloyd but did have a chat with Lea Thompson, she was fantastic :)


    I went to Chrisopter Lloyds booth to check on the queue at about 12.30 Saturday (I had to go at 1) and as I had VQ ticket 441 I gave it to someone else, I hope they had better luck than me :)

  7. A Long time a go in a in a town far far away


    i was 17 and it was in 1988


    we has 30 traders there


    and 300 people turned up for a one day event


    it was fun and i thought i might do another one and that was the start to this mad world we play in


    all avery long time ago


    and we are still having fun running them :-)


    jason ;)


    Congrats on how long you guys have been doing these, thats quite an achievement, and they're getting better every year :WAVE:

  8. I agree, meeting and chatting with people who share the same interest is great.4


    But, really, we're there to meet famous people, right :D?


    Haha we are, but sometimes meeting other attendees can be just as memorable, plus you're more likely to come away with some new friends by chatting to other attendees, as nice as the thought is you probably won't become best friends with the famous people lol.

  9. I'm really rubbish at recognising celebs tbh. At Memorabilia I ran face first into Misha Collins (Castiel in Supernatural) while he was having a wander about. I looked up, stared right into his face, apologised and ran off again (in pursuit of my 2 yr old godson) it wasn't til I heard some girl go 'Did she just headbutt Castiel?' that I realised....And I'm huge Supernatural fan lol.


    And it took me a while to realise that the seriously tall guy who came over to say hi and give my godson a hug the same day was Jason Momoa. I'm THAT oblivious.


    I wouldn't worry, I was standing next to Christopher Lambert whilst on the phone telling my friend I was just waiting for Christopher Lambert to arrive and start signing :)

  10. Not may at Christopher Lamberts talk?? WTF??? He'd have been the first talk I'd have gone to if I could've. Sadly bringing my 9 year old girl struck out any ideas of talks :)


    Maybe people thought it was too expensive or too many got caught with the photoshoots but as I think Jason said when he was announced, he's been trying to get Chris for many years and this was the first such event he's done so why there weren't more people there for such a unique experience I don't know.


    All I can say that it was amazing meeting him and a pleasure to hear him talk and answer questions. He was interesting, informative, very honest and amusing. Went into a lot of detail about why he takes certain roles and what he looks for, why he's focusing on European cinema at present and a bit about his appearence in Ghost Rider 2 with Nicholas Cage and obviously Highlander, working with Sean Connery, how Sean helped him with the Scottish accent and how awesome it was doing the music videos with Queen amongst other things.


    He seemed to enjoy it and I just hope he wasn't disappointed by the low turnout. The audience may have been small but it was very appreciative and he was thoroughly nice when I met him for a couple of autographs too.


    Wish I could have made it to the Christopher Lambert talk, it sounded really good! Would love to have asked about the Queen music video, as well as his work on Highlander and Fortress.


    Hope he returns to LFCC!

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