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Posts posted by WillCarter

  1. How about Leon Spinks? Ex World Heavyweight Champion who beat none other than Muhammed Ali and in his Amateur career became a 1974 Olympic Gold Medal winner. Also went on to become a Professional Wrestler after his Boxing career ended although pretty much only in Japan so probably not too much of a well known fact over here.


    The guy has now fallen on hard times unfortunately and currently works in a McDonalds while also helping out at the YMCA in Nebraska. Would be great to get the guy over, not only to give him a bit of a helping hand but perhaps to show him all those years in the ring weren't in vain.


    Another two would be the half brothers the movie The Fighter was based on, Dicky Eklund and Micky Ward. Thanks to the film both of these have gained more exposure and I'm sure they would be able to give a great talk too. Couple of thoughts for you there anyway.

  2. I for one, and there are many others I talk to on facebook would dearly love to see a horror con here in the UK. Its long overdue. The popularity of folks such as Robert Englund, Doug Bradley, Kane Hodder and the like has been massive over the years at the Showmasters events that I have seen them at. Its a shame there is a lack of confidence in this issue because I believe if it were done with thye passion that goes into these events, it could be a success.


    I agree entirely, I have only been to three conventions, but from what I've seen it is usually the more horror based guests getting a large section of the visitors attention. Horror is probably the most popular alternative genre of film there is from teenagers right through to people in their early-mid 30's. With the right guests, the right amount of passion behind it and the right organisation and advertisement I think you'd struggle to fail with a Horror convention. As I said, I have contacted Showmasters through email to try and discuss such a project so hopefully I'll hear back soon.

  3. I'm interested in starting a horror convention, is there anyone from Showmasters that would be willing to get in contact with me to discuss the process of starting one, the costs involved and contacting guests etc?

  4. I was so unbelievably nervous going up to Robert Englund, this was only my third convention and only my second ever Autograph, but he was great. I got a 1987 copy of Fangoria signed with 'To Will, Freddy K, Robert Englund.'


    I managed a thank you and shook his hand but shyness well and truly got the better of me, I envy those of you that manage to have a quick natter with the guests.


    Hey don't worry, I was like that when I first went to one of these (CM4 back in 2003).


    I find a little bit of pre-planning works wonders. Think about who you want to meet and then think is there something about a particular show/film you want to ask them about? Something about them? Doesn't have to be much to kickstart a conversation.


    I don't always know a great deal about some of the guests and do a bit of research before turning up. For example, I read a quote about how Gates McFadden got her role in Star Trek. It was quite amusing and so I asked her if it was true and that got a nice little conversation going.


    With David Blue, it was easy as it was all about Stargate Universe being cancelled and the last episode.


    First person I met at CM4 was George Takai and I'd read his autobiography a while before and had a fascinating conversation about some of his experiences as a child during WWII and the way the Japanese in the US at the time had been treated. It was something I'd never heard about and he seemed so appreciative that I'd learned something from what he'd written. Lovely man.


    Sometimes just pick up on what's going on. When the last football World Cup was on, Joe Flanigan (Stargate Atlantis) was one of the guests and was wearing an England fleece against the cold. I totally forgot what I meant to ask and ended up asking him about that and talking about football (soccer) amongst other things which was cool.


    So a bit of advanced thought and it's really not so hard. Some guests will initiate the conversation but if you can come up with something a little bit different it won't do any harm at all at piquing their interest and getting a chat going, if there's time of course. Sometimes there's just no time though, judge by how quickly the people in front of you are being pushed through.


    It'll come and hopefully enhance your experience in the future.


    Aww thank you so much for that, that's definitely something I'll have to think of in the future. I was annoyed with myself because I'd seen him chatting with others in front, so I knew he was willing to. I think he may have even given someone his email address because the guy wanted to send him something. Still, it's something to try and remember for next time.


    My fascination is mainly based around Horror actors, so I tend to wander round and not have a clue who many of the people are, such as the Star Trek actors etc. (I'm probably very much in the minority there) But it's still kind of cool to see how they react and interact with fans and see some of the things fans get autographed and dedicated to them. To be honest just the whole atmosphere of a group of people being in their absolute element is great, can't wait for my next one.

  5. I was so unbelievably nervous going up to Robert Englund, this was only my third convention and only my second ever Autograph, but he was great. I got a 1987 copy of Fangoria signed with 'To Will, Freddy K, Robert Englund.'


    I managed a thank you and shook his hand but shyness well and truly got the better of me, I envy those of you that manage to have a quick natter with the guests.

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