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Tina last won the day on January 7 2014

Tina had the most liked content!

Tina's Achievements

Assistant Editor

Assistant Editor (6/23)



  1. I've requested this before but no harm in doing so again. Any of the cast of The Last Kingdom please. :)
  2. Cast members from the new BBC2 series The Last Kingdom. Also Tom Bateman from Jekyl & Hyde.
  3. Hope we'll here some news about authors soon, This is the main reason I'm attending. Although have yet to buy tickets until I know for certain who is attending,
  4. Yay! Hope to get to meet you! What's your name and I'll come see you there? I can only find your user name.
  5. Good to hear of other authors outside display too. Showmasters as far as I know haven't announced any yet. So good to hear you are.
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