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NOT fanfic comp just random!


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How can she take everything so coolly??? I was a mythological monster, lying down in this fairy tale meadow, Bella belonged here, so beautiful and radiant, whereas I belonged in a horror film, with dark, dank alleys and mortals screaming as I got closer, that is how a human should react but not Bella, she was always so calm, so encouraging. She really didn’t care what I was.


Bella began playing around with my fingers, still staring into my eyes, I was still waiting for her to be disgusted, to run away in terror, but no not Bella, I was lying in the middle of shimmering emerald grass, I too was shimmering, yet Bella, carried on as if everything where normal. She began stroking my arm, down my veins, the warmth and calmness of her touch, made my cold, dead heart want to sing, I loved her and seeing as she wasn’t running or screaming, she must love me to, I smiled mentally to myself. She ran her hand down my arm and back to my hand, she intertwined my cold hand, with her beautiful warm one, I sighed with contentment.


Would I ever get over the fact that she wanted me, not that insignificant little rat, Newton? No I answered myself, never. All I knew was that she was now my Bella, I smiled to myself, knowing that this fact was true, Vampire or not she was still mine.

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