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Basically this is just a small part of a bigger story, but I think the intro and 1st chapter can stand alone...

I've tried to cut as much as possible... so it's 500 words without the title...



A Hale’s Tale


So this is it.


The punishment for all I have done within the greater part of my non excisting life.

Until this very moment I have not often found myself thinking about the wrongs I have done.


Then again, my concience may have vanished with my need to breeth.


When you are born, you seek the comfort and safty of your mothers embrace as well as the nourishment she ought to give. It is in ones innermost instinct to crave what keeps you alive. For a newborn that might be the mother’s chest and what lays within, for the newborns circling me right now, it is the veins and what lays beneath.


Chapter 1: The Last Day


While the smell of warm corpses was slowly creeping into my nose, I couldn’t help but deliberate the decisions and circumstances that led me to the Confederate Army. Like most, I was aiming for a place to fit in, a life providing basic needs like food, a life leading to fame and fortune. When you are young, you tend to see the end of the tunnel before even thinking about the concequences of going through it. You see men in uniforms being blatantly flirted with by young wenches, playing their high stake card games, loosing a lot of money betting and all that with a smile on their faces.

What, I ask you, is a young man to do. What, if not looking up to them, wanting to be those men.


This is how, when yet another nameless face tried to draft as many young men as possible, I was the first in line.

The world through a 16-year-old boy seems so big, so full of opportunities. The naivety is so endeering and disgusting at the same time. Because now, after fighting battle upon battle, after killing body upon body, I know, that this naivity was the beginning of my end.


The sun was burning down on me. The heat melting down on my already hot wounds. The air, so thick with sweat and blood I could hardly breath. As I lay there, amongst those who suffered as I did and those who had already passed the suffering, I knew that the fame and the praise would not help me now, so even though, within only 4 years of service I was now a major, after 4 years of service I would die at the age of 20.


My thoughts were interrupted when I felt eyes on me, I gathered the last strengh within my aching bones and lifted my head.

The heat, the lack of water, the bloodloss, I don’t know which one of these made me hallucinate. But there, a couple of feet away from me, I could see a figure. Leaning against the horizon. Glowing in the rays of sunlight. Watching me.

Paradoxically, right when I started to think about heaven, angels and safety; everything before my eyes went black and a blinding pain started to run trough my vains...

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