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Star Trek Fan Fic - Invasion


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This story is based on characters and situations owned by Paramount/ CBS. No copyright infringement is intended or to be infered


We don't exist in this world, in this galaxy, this universe. We are unknown to you. You know nothing about us, how we live, what we do, who we are. But when they came, we could no longer hide ourselves. They came in Square Ships, Metallic Cubes. They hailed us a warning, an ultimatum. They locked onto our ships with tractor beams, but our ships are unique, they fail to lock onto us. They threaten us, try to integrate us into there world, but they fail. We fight back with all our might, the Cube ships falls to our might. A Quantum singularity is detected 2 million kilometres, it bleeds our space to theirs. More cube vessels come. An invasion has begun, but we will not fall, we will not fall to these hostile beings. We form a blockade and force them back with little effort. We are powerful, they are weak. We cannot let these being continue there incursions into our space, our domain. Ships are being created at an increased rate; our pilots are ready for battle. Our fleet is ready to make the transition into there domain. We will eliminate the threat to our existence, we will leave no survivors, we will destroy them all and whoever apposes us.


We cross the threshold into their domain, a blackness we have never seen before. We locate ships that match the signatures of the ships we faced in our realm. We Intercept them and lay fatal blows to them. More ships approach, but they fall just as fast. Planets filled with life forms as those on the cube ships are ahead. A ship of unknown origin, unlike the Cube ships is detected near the cube ships. Someone there can sense us. She can feel us, our intentions. We choose a voice for us, someone to make our intentions clear. I have been chosen to be our voice. She fears us, they fear us. One of there kind is detected on a cube ship. They must be allies. We must eliminate their kind. We unleash an attack and destroy the planet, the cube ship and the silver ship escape. The silver ship appears to us again, near the Singularity to our domain, they stop dead as thousands of our ships immerge from our domain, we will kill everything that apposes us. We voice our intentions to the silver ship... "The Weak Shall Perish"

Edited by Arik_Soong
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