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  1. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Bendy Benz I’m Bendy. I’ve been cosplaying for 5 years. I specialise in sewing but do dabble in a 3D print. I love becoming a character and this is why I love to compete. I love to perform and truly encapsulate the character I am trying to portray. For me it’s all about passion and making what you love. Photographer credit: take the pics Instagram
  2. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Petticoats Cosplay Hannah has been cosplaying with friends since 2013 and has found that her love of a good challenge (and the level of that challenge) has only got larger! A self taught seamstress, Hannah especially loves the performance side of cosplay and is looking forward to seeing some great cosplays at Exeter. Photographer credit: Marc Eyre (@eyremarc)
  3. Charlie is an 18-year-old cosplayer who has cosplayed for almost 10 years, she specialises in foam builds, props and makeup. Her interest in a variety of media has helped build a wide set of skills when making new costumes. Photographer credit: Lois Samuel
  4. My name’s Abi, and I’ve been roughly cosplaying for nearly 5 years now! I adore the hobby and using costumes and makeup to delve into portraying in a character. I strive to challenge myself with each costume and learn new skills along the way. Cardiff was my first big con, so getting to share my skills with the community is a great experience!
  5. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Corvidae Cosplay Emporium Olivia and Ryan are a North West based cosplaying duo, and owners of Corvidae Cosplay Emporium. Olivia Graduated from university with a degree in costume. They both have worked promoting games in cosplay, making a variety of costumes for themselves and an array of clients as well as winning cosplay competitions such as the Cosplay Finals at London Film and Comic Con 2018. Photographer credit: Dr Whero Photography
  6. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Han Jones Han Jones is a French cosplayer who borrow is Cosplay name from 2 mains characters (Han Solo and Indiana Jones) of his favorite actor Harrison Ford. He is mostly known for his Captain America Cosplay that he impersonate since the release of the first Avengers movie in 2012. He began cosplay 10 years ago with Indiana Jones. He mostly do Disney and movie characters like Lumiere, Jaime Lannister, Rick O'connel, Cyclops, Flynn Rider and many more. He is also an actor and a singer who play in 2 american movies (Mission Impossible and Robin Hood). Feel free to meet him at his booth where you’ll be able to talk with him about his adventures, found his prints or just take a selfie together ! Photographer credit: Acael Photography
  7. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Lily On The Moon The French cosplayer Lily on the Moon has been a cosplayer since 2009, and made over a hundred costumes! Her universe, filled with comic books, movies, television series and mostly Disney, is a lovely world to follow. She was able to travel to many conventions across the world thanks to Cosplay. Lily on the Moon is also a professional make-up artist, so don’t hesitate to ask her for advice and to exchange tips at her booth, where you will also found her prints or just have a selfie together ! Photographer credit: BCW Photo
  8. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Drop Dead Joker Cosplay I am a 23-year-old crazy cosplayer based in the West midlands. I attended my first comic con when I was 16 and have been cosplaying ever since. I try my best to bring some of my favourite comic book characters to life through cosplay, I particularly enjoy wearing corsets to achieve the animated look of the comic book villains and heros I cosplay. @DropDeadJokerCosplay Instagram & Facebook Photographer credit: @Cosplaybypedro Instagram and facebook.
  9. I am a student who has been cosplaying since 2014. As a young teenager, I had to research and learn to sew my first cosplay in order to keep costs as low as possible. After this first experience, I realised that creating the outfits myself was my preferred way to truly replicate the idea I had in my head. With every costume I have made I have learned new skills and techniques, specialising in sewing but recently branching into foam armour. Just last year, I was accepted onto a costume degree course and am now on my way to become a costume designer and constructor.
  10. My name is Eren, my cosplay name is Nepetasss and I’ve been cosplaying for 7 years. I’ve been interested in makeup and sewing since I was a child, and cosplay has helped me express myself freely by using these skills.
  11. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Gaioz Gaioz is a cosplayer based in London and has cosplayed since 2014. He strives to integrate the latest technology into his crafts and designs which has enabled him to develop award winning costumes. He has explored and experimented with various costume and prop making techniques to develop his skills and knowledge in this sector. This includes, but is not limited to 3D modelling, sculpting, resin casting, pattern designing, sewing, wig work, Photoshop and editing. Thus, by combining new technology with traditional methods he has executed cutting-edge costumes and props which he would like to showcase and share his knowledge with to likeminded hobbyist. Photographer credit: @miss_a_gore_photography
  12. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: DemoraFairy DemoraFairy is a London-based cosplayer who has been cosplaying for 11 years. She cosplays mostly from video games, most recently cosplaying Mercy and Hanzo from Overwatch. She particularly enjoys coming up with original designs or fan skins for cosplays, such as her Steampunk Mercy cosplay. Photographer credit: Danarki
  13. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Mukade Cosplay Attending: Both Days Mukade Cosplay, a cosplayer and makeup enthusiast based in the westmidlands, has been cosplaying since late 2015. Mukade especially likes to explore different characters and roles through makeup, allowing them to create some interesting looks!
  14. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Kaldorei Cosplay Attending: All Days Hi there! I’m a massive nerd and cosplayer from the UK. Making things and being creative is my passion and I adore bring my favourite characters to life through cosplay. But most importantly having fun. You can follow my little adventures on Facebook or Instagram under Kaldorei Cosplay. Photographer credit: Mad Moon Photography
  15. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement - Pretzl Cosplay Appearing All 3 Days Pretzl Cosplay is a cosplayer from the Netherlands who loves to create detailed costumes. She has been cosplaying for 10 years now. She loves to design her own costumes and even create designs for other cosplayers. She uses a lot of Worbla in her projects but also does some intricate sewing work. The genre she loves most is fantasy, so most costumes are made with that theme in mind. She even wrote tutorial books about cosplay and created some digital patterns to help other cosplayers to make their very own costumes. Facebook: www.facebook.com/pretzlcosplay Instagram: www.instagram.com/pretzlcosplay
  16. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement - Cat's Costumery Appearing: Both Days Cat is a 23-year old costume maker, working on cosplay and historical costume. She started sewing three years ago to have something to wear to a convention! Since then, she has mostly done Disney-related cosplays. Her favorite part of cosplaying is the sewing progress, check out her work @katisinthebag on Instagram! Photographer credit: MattEleven Photography
  17. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement - Wilddd Cosplay Appearing: Both Days My name is Savannah, I’ve been cosplaying for 3 years (at time of event) and I can be found on instagram by the name @wildddcosplay! Photographer credit: matteleven
  18. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: CatButt Cosplay Don’t let the name weird you out! CatButt Cosplay has been cosplaying for just about ten years and their cosplay choices tend to reflect their love of RPGs – yet has only just been inducted into their first DnD campaign? Madness. They are a big lover of historical and classical fashions, big ballgowns, paper mache props and procrastination. Photographer credit: Starkey Studios (FB)
  19. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Noodle Cup Cosplay My name is Noodle Cup cosplays and I have been cosplaying for close to ten years! I’m also a performer and love to dance. I have a special interest in making large props, especially wings. My Instagram is Noodlecupcos!
  20. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: RossECobb Cosplay Ross began cosplaying, and attending conventions over ten years ago, in which time he has cosplayed mainly characters from popular animation, and musical theatre. Ross is probably best known for his competitive work, as well as his duo work with Sootydragon Cosplay, and PixieHolly Cosplay. This has lead him to be asked to be a guest at conventions internationally Photographer Credit
  21. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Amazonian Cosplay Amazonian Cosplay, a specialist in SFX makeup and embroidery, began crafting costumes at the young age of 13, stemming originally from a love of detailed Fantasy Video Game costumes. With a ‘devil is in the detail’ approach Amazonian has developed a passion for capturing a costumes intricacies others may miss, learning new techniques with each costume creation. Her skillset now proudly extends to sculpting, leatherwork, blacksmithing, and her one true love, embroidery. You can see all her crafting progress and magical photoshoots on her instagram @amazoniancos Photographer credit: Food and Cosplay
  22. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Corvidae Cosplay Emporium Olivia-Tegan ‘Libby’ Bond is a North West based cosplayer, and co-owner of Corvidae Cosplay Emporium. Graduating from university with a degree in costume, she has worked promoting games in cosplay, made a variety of costumes for herself and an array of clients as well as winning cosplay competitions such as the Cosplay Finals at London Film and Comic Con 2018.
  23. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: War Panda Cosplay War Panda Cosplay began cosplaying in 2014. She is makes most of her cosplays from scratch and has experience working with Foam, worbla and fabric. War Panda has won, and judged, multiple cosplay competitions across Ireland, and has previously worked as a cosplayer for a large games company! Find her on Facebook Photographer credit: Geek bot Photography
  24. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Mehmeco Design My name is Melissa aka mehmeco design. I have been cosplaying for over 10 years and the thing I love about this hobby is creating the costumes and bringing a costume to life. I love to challenge myself with each new cosplay I create. Photographer credit: Chelsari Photography
  25. Latest Cosplay Guest Announcement: Dax79 I’m Dax79, an Award-Winning cosplayer who has been cosplaying for 20 years but only competing since 2014. I mostly build armour and my favourite materials to work with are cardboard, EVA foam and Worbla.
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