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Everything posted by mortal_fairy

  1. wow im sure elijah would be shocked with what people have said about him, and as for the other hobbits, their jaws would touch the floors! there are some dirty people on here lol
  2. the thought of a possible yes has overwelmed me......let me sit in peace to gather my thoughts!
  3. cool, i like ure name cordelia! i like the witches out of charmed! they are cool!
  4. can i just ask i theoretical question? ok lets say a sudden urge inside you makes it look like a good idea to jump onto the table parting guest and visitor, and kiss the guest causing them emotional harm, what would be the punishment?
  5. awwww bless you hun!! but you got a hug tho!! lol so it worked although i would end up looking like a red, puffy faces freak if i cried! i do not cry pretty! lol
  6. Ide be a vampire purely because of angel and spike! and a hobbit because of frodo, and a elf because of legolas... ahhh the choices
  7. Im gonna act normal......at least try to!
  8. Ha ha good point made there dave!! Eternity in my book is 28 days! soooo who would you be then??
  9. LOL oh my dont say that too loudly when you see him at C4! lol
  10. lol i will look like a fool i will be crying ' oh my good its youu oh my ..' then i wont be able to breath! hmm all the natural signs of madness! take me away........
  11. OH my! thats all i have to say!
  12. i dont know anything about nemesis so i dont know what to say! lol
  13. i know ill do a club its the ' If i act like a fool infront of elijah give your self a point' club. who ever does the stuppidest thing in front of him, must be cringe worthy, wins!!
  14. OF course! only the essentials first! big house, nice cars, cool clothes! lol
  15. Thats cool! im supprised not many people wanted a hobbit, for their way of living is harmonic! haha how funny did that sound!?
  16. Thats some fair comments! but try being in the public eye every day and being a perfect role model to younger fans, must be difficult not to do bad things! oh well... he is still gods gift to hobbitsies everywhere note: hobbitsies is a word i made up d for female hobbits, good huh?
  17. i'de love to be a slayer buffy has soo much fun lol
  18. why is there a stop elijah smoking campaign? Surely he is old enough to ake his own decisions? Let him have one thing that relaxes him he has to deal with stress being as famous as he his , and if smoking relaxes him then let him be! I know smoking is dangerous blah blah but at least it isnt drugs or alchohol!
  19. I would like spike or angel for the hottness factor!
  20. LOL yeh rik would be good! hes funny! i also cant help laugh at avid merryman! the bo selecta guy he is funny! but that might just be me! lol
  21. Heya peeps! doesnt your school have 6th form? which is like college but you dont have to leave school1 thats the most popular choice at our school! What is everyone up 2??
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