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Vyper Si

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Posts posted by Vyper Si

  1. Very touching. I was a bit mystified by how it was mentioned that Corey Feldman had an air of arrogance and was businessman like...I guess when I met him and Sean Astin at CM:MK, I obviously caught Corey F on a good day as he was aperfect gentleman. I am gutted that I never got to meet Corey H.


    Rest In Peace Buddy.

    Well she is just talking about her experience of meeting him, for me I had a really nice chat with him.

    That's cool. Not moaning, just mystified as I found Corey F to be a lovely guy.

  2. John Morrison's Heel Turn may well come at WrestleMania. Post PPV Tour shows have him in tag matches with CM Punk. Not totally unexpected if they pull the trigger as he has not had the impact that was expected when they turned him face. He needs a good singles run as a heel and an eventual turn to face in order to replicate HBK as is touted. I think a feud with Shawn would do him wonders.


    Randy Orton may remaina a Tweener as he is listed as facing Christian and Triple H post Mania Tour. However, as with Morrison, these tours are advertised months in advance. As is evident from recent shows, Orton is getting major Face Pops.

  3. RVD is on a limited schedule, and is unlikely to do House Shows.


    Sting is unlikely to work a proper match for a while as he has just had shoulder surgery.


    As all the talk was having Hulk Hogan turn heel, they decided to swerve and have Stign as heel. It is not known if he will be friendly with AJ/Naitch, or a Lone Wolf beating everyone up.


    Jeff Hardy and Shannon Moore are on 12 month contracts with a minimum of 100 dates. Therefore, this would mean house shows and tours. As regards Jeff, how many he does will depend on his legal problems.

  4. I respected his honesty and openess about his demons as he wanted others not to tread the path he had and was doing.


    Rest In Peace Dude!!


    Time to find Lost Boys and Licence To Drive me thinks!!

  5. Just watched Impact and it actually came off well..to a certain degree.


    Beer Money Inc seem to be Tweeners at the moment as they were anti-Jarrett.


    Abyss vs AJ at Destination X.


    And, despite reports, Sting was majorly boo'd when assaulting RVD. He even got a huge "You Suck" chant. If they want to get Stinger over as a heel, put him ina programme with RVD.


    When RVD's music hit and his logo hit the TNA Tron, the place errupted. It made Hogan's initial TNA appearance seem quiet. This guy is super over.


    Just announced for the Main Event for next Monday's Impact that is being taped tonight...


    AJ Styles vs Jeff Hardy...


    I guess they are getting this in early just incase Jeff does go to prison.


    That is going to be a monster main event and is in direct response to three major matches already announced for RAW next week.

  6. Another great RAW, and leading into next week and Stone Cold hosting. That should be interesting. I feel a few Stunners coming on and a more invovled Host.


    They are teasing Legacy vs Randy Orton and a Partner.....I am betting Kofi as not many people will see it coming.

  7. I hope to the good lord above that they have something big instore for RVD. There is no way he would agree to last night unless it was leading to something major.


    Reading the reports, everyone was cheering Sting. Even after he destroyed Hogan, Abyss and RVD..and choked Dixie against the wall.


    I don't think you can turn Sting heel.


    I reckon that he will be a Tweener and also take out AJ as well.


    He has a perfect set up:


    1. Flair and Hogan having fat contracts detracting from the real TNA talent.


    2. Hogan and Bischoff destroyed WCW.


    3. Abyss has sided with Hogan, and Styles with Flair.


    4. RVD has just the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.


    I can see Jarrett and Sting siding with each other.



    I wonder if they will have Jeff Hardy defend his title in prison when he is banged up for the drugs charges? lol


    I reckon a deal has been struck and Hardy won't face jail time. There is no way Panda Energy - TNA's parent company, would bring in JH without knowing he won't be going to prison.


    Nash "Heel Turn" - only if it includes Eric Young as well. They have been presenting EY as the new HBK. Could we see The Band have a fourth member?

  8. It was Marc Warren who chose to leave, not the other way around. I think the new dynamic is excellent, and next season should see the grifts move up a level. You speak to any grifter who works as a team and they will say it is all about trust. You have to trust your fellow grifters, and the past two seasons have seen Mickey Bricks return and build a new crew. New crews don't suddenly become brilliant. Even at the end of the last episode did Mickey show that he doesn't fully trust the two new crew members.

  9. shame so many shoots clash with talks


    Ive just booked the friday off as holiday, gonna get my hair cut and get to the hotel early ;-) collect my pack and have a walk round


    I saw that on Sky News earlier !


    what me getting my hair cut? lol

    Yes. It was BREAKING NEWS!!!

  10. Yes, it's looking more and more likely isnt it.

    But then again, it could be Dana/Jenny is the Double Agent. How do you make your position stronger, but by making someone in power think that they have saved you and that you owe them - as in Cole saving Dana. Also, Cole has now shot someone dead when he coudl have quite easily wounded them and taken them into custody. Has Dana now got him to commit murder and he doesn't know it yet?


    Why did Coel give Kevin and his buddy a chance to walk with the money?


    There are now many questions from a sub plot that could look as going nowhere.


    Also add to the pot that this season has seen a different Jack, and thus a different Day 8 of 24. At every given opportunity he has tried to go tot Los Angeles. It is only now that he ahs made a deal to stay until it is all sorted out do we know that the OLD JACK will make an appearance.

  11. How was the last series so predictable?


    If it had been that predictable, the gang could have been caught in the last episode, rather than pull off the grift.


    They went with the obvious, rather than the predictable.

  12. Just a shame he didn't get Best Actor.


    Jeff Bridges has been nommed about 4 times since 1971. I think he had been over-looked long enough.

    Jeff Bridges is a fine actor. I have yet to se the film he won the Oscar for. However, just on his performabnce alone in The Hurt Locker, I felt Renner deserved the Oscar. I still feel that the Oscars are far too political. It shoudl be doen on best performances at that time. Not whether someone has been overlooked for a lengthy period of time, or just lost out the year before...but that will never change in Hollywood.

  13. You know, I was thinking, the whole Dana storyline thing has to lead somewhere surely?


    Freddie Jr's got her out of trouble but now he could (if he isn't the loyal CTU agent we are led to believe he is) use it to his advantage, could a new double agent be on the cards?


    After all, even if the botched blackmailing didn't take place and he was a double agent, what better way to infiltrate an organisation than get engaged to one of CTU's top experts?


    Then again maybe I've just been watching the show too long........


    Cole Ortiz as a double agent would make his character worthwile. The character is very boring at the moment, and it makes sense for him to clean up a mess that could threaten his position.


    I think the Dana storyline is now officially worse than Kim and the Cougar, I thought for a moment it was going to turn into Titanic when that bloke's body was sinking!

    Well, his heart defniitely didn't go on!!!

  14. Hogan and TNA have goen down a path that they cannot get off of unless they have a MAJOR swerve.


    Turning Hogan HEEL is expected and pointless when you see comments made by Hogan and Bischoff during interviews as to who they see as potential NEXT BIG THINGS.


    Having Flair say that he retired two years ago on a high is a joke as we all know that he returned recently in Australia. Flair has done a FUNK and broke his promise about not coming out of retirement.


    Having Hogan not wrestle will be a huge let down for Impact moving to Monday Night. Having Hogan job is too obvious, as is Hogan getting the pin.


    TNA need to do something immense here. Flair and Hogan did not need to wrestle. They could have had a main event of Styles vs Abyss, with Hogan in Abyss's corner.


    This could well be a very short war. Take into account that McMahon vs Cena will be the main event on Raw, which is a set up for Batista doing a number on Cena, and then Hart who will turn up. At least with Raw there are acceptable changes that can and will happen. At least Vince is in shape.


    Not even the impending arrival of RVD will help TNA so much as to erase what is a car wreck waiting to happen.


    You can pretty much predict that it will be Abyss vs Styles at Detination X.

  15. I'd be happy to meet anyone from the cast, it's such a brilliant show for a nerd/geek like me :thumbup:


    That said, I think it's highly unlikely to have guests from this show while it's still on.


    Season 3 is due to end around the end of April I think.


    "I am not crazy, my mother had me tested."



    Wil Wheaton is excellent in this episode. Pure hilarity to see Sheldon get BAZINGA'd himself so to speak!!!

  16. Oh how excited I am, another washed up has been collecting a big pay cheque

    I am no big fan of Sting as I find his i ring talent very very very limited. However, he is still miles above Hogana nd Flair...not forgetting The Nasty Boys!!!


    If not Sting, or Hogan, pray to the good Lord of Wrestling that it isn't Savage!!

  17. As The Scarecrow in Batman, I personally think that he was the perfect casting for that role.


    Loved him in 28 Days Later...when he opens the car door that sets off the alarm - who abandons a car and alarms it? - the reaction is brilliant. Still makes me jump when I know it is coming!!!

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