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Posts posted by emiliel

  1. It was amazing! Only been back an hour. Anyone with photos of me in costume (quidditch and HBP Draco, prisoner Sirius) please let me know because my deviantart needs more stuff on it!


    Also, a big shout out to the rest of Team Special Frank - thanks for all your help and ideas last night/this morning!


    I have a good one of you in prisoner sirius, it's going onto Facebook right...NOW, so help yourself!



  2. Yey!!


    Don't worry, I was 5'2" until a few months ago, which was made worse by the fact that my sister is 6'1". YEY for growth spurts!!


    You'll spot me- I'll be the one in the gryffindor uniform jumping up and down with excitment!!

  3. Yeah, I'm getting so excited for tomorrow


    I have wanted to go to a HP con for ages, but I could never afford to go to the US ones, and there were never any decent ones here, but now there is and I'm so stoked!!!


    I have all my costumes sorted and my bags packed already and I'm ready to go!!!


    Everyone else getting excited?

  4. Harsh times. But if we're stating opinions here...


    also i find it fascinating how over what is in fact 2 days, SM are gonna fill the days up with autographs and talks - with only 3 minor guests... hmmmmm interesting eh?!


    Well if you actually read the threads pinned at the top of the forum before having a rant, then you may see that it's quite evident they're making a humongous effort to bring us a range of activities to fill up the weekend that most other people seem to be 1) excited about and 2) appreciative of.


    Maybe that doesn't make up for "meeting famous people" for some, but surprisingly enough other fans come because they actually like the fandom as well. Meeting people who are just as enthusiastic about it and all that. Perhaps even having fun? A PPP workshop for example seems pretty fun (and damn inventive too - obviously not a result of poor effort) to me. Not "kinda pointless" (in which case why bother going?).


    (also, at least 75% of the people going or wanting to go are fans of twilight aswell, so i would say most of these people are poor now because of 3 eternal twilights and the proms.... )


    I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a complaint about Showmasters. But they run events for fans. It's their job. We can't complain if there are lots of events we want to go to.


    Though I guess that's a problem in itself. The Twilight mentality, and the fact that there are so many more people around who are part of it. It seems to be more of a "we all like these books and movies with - oooohh - pretty actors we just /have/ to meet" thing than the HP fandom that seems in my opinion to be more community-centered.


    Notice that most previous huge HP conventions (mainly USA I suppose) are more about meeting up and being rabid geeks /together/ whilst not being laughed at for running around in cloaks...than hero worship, like you see at Twicon etc. (Not that I will ever complain about meeting Kellan Lutz xD)


    So the fact that we have the possibility of guests at all could even be seen as a huge bonus! ;)


    Well Said- I agree with everything you said. As I have already stated on another thread, I am not in this for the guests and I am looking forward to this con as much as when I first read about it!


    And that's all I have to say on the matter :P

  5. For the quidditch party I'm going as a generic Hufflepuff :D In a completely make-shift non-canon outfit! (the best kind)


    Yeah my Quidditch party outfit is make shift non-canon as well!!


    I decided to go as a "Crazy Gryffindor supporter" And I'm pretty much just wearing as much red and gold as I can: Red skirt with red and gold stripey border, some form of t shirt (haven't worked that part out yet), red tights, gold shoes (XD) and possibly some form of face paint! I think I look somewhere inbetween a cheerleeder and someone who just fell into a wardrobe and wore whatever clothes stuck!


    And me and my friend are making little flags to wave (Gryffindor for me, Ravenclaw for her)!


    And for the Yule Ball, I'm wearing Hermione's dress from Slughorn's party in the new film. I put more effort into this costume!


    I'm so excited, can you tell?

  6. ...that the event was a little less focused on the special guests and a little more focused on the community.


    I don't know, tell me if I'm just being picky, I just think that for a fandom that has such an awesome community between fans, I kind of hoped it would be more about that, rather than a few people who are more important that the rest of us because they were in the films...


    Hm...I dunno...just a thought, let me know what you think about this...!

  7. Well for the quidditch one, I think me and my friends are going as one of the Welsh teams in Quidditch through the ages, but that could all change!!


    Or the chudley canons's!


    Yey, I almost have my Hermione outfit together as well...it's not too bad considering I have made it from memory!!

  8. Oh yes, who predicted a quidditch party?




    I'm so excited. Not sure what i'm going as for the quidditch party yet (need discussion with friends) but for the Yule ball, I'm wearing Hermione's dress from the christmas party in the new film. I know it's not strictly yule ball, but I really wanted an excuse to make that dress!!!



  9. I think a Quidditch themed party would be awesome.


    Like people could dress up in different team colours (not just hogwarts but league teams like chudley canons and holyhead harpies etc).


    I like that idea.


    Other than that, yeah the Yule Ball idea is a pretty good shout....what about a Magical Creatures party...that would be hilarious!!!

  10. From what I can gather, there are going to be a fair number of people going on their own. At present I am going with one friend, but we want to make lots of new friends (aw man how cheesy does that sound?) as I'm sure everyone else does.


    On the Gold ticket thing. I am skint so I had to get the regular ticket, but it'll still be good fun, and that's what I'm there for!

  11. Will there be any wizard rock bands playing at the event? like at the parties or anything?


    Just wondering, so that I know what to expect from the weekend!!

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