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Posts posted by SarahEllie

  1. elijah was ace! made me mates day! cos it was her bday pressie tht i took her ther yesturday. i didnt tell her wot was happening til hlf hour b4 we went in lol she had no idea elijah was ther n she opened her pressie in the cue to reveal elijah photo session ticket, she was nearly crying in the cue and apparently she said elijah was absolutely lovely she came out shaking haha

  2. ooooo :( haha i think i spoke to one of them but didnt realise who it was i did look at think she looks like a model type person, i was asking her about what stall the LOTR photo was from cos it was pinned up infront but cudnt tell what stall it was with, i feel quite stupid now haha

  3. Excluding the photo shoots and paying to get a sig what did you guys buy from the stalls?


    I wasn't planning on getting anything cos i dont have much money but i just couldnt help myself!


    I bought a long mounted pic of the lost cast the pic was like one huge blend thing, a pack of lost trading cards, 3 displays of kate, jack and sawyer and lastly i bought a photo of evangeline lilly that i got put on one of them plaque (sp) things with her name engraved underneath!

  4. This is basically what LFCC3 looked like. There is no guarantee that LFCC4 will be the same though.





    ooo very goood! whats the 'org booth'?


    so basically if the layout is similar when ya get ther you just gotta leg it past all the stalls to back of room to get tickets for talks and that. god im prob gonna get squished lol come out looking like ... :lol:

  5. Did anyone else get the email saying its not actually booked till you notice the moneys come out of the bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh my god is it just me Im gonna cry!!!!


    Got that too. Prob the only time I actually want money to go out of my account! lol


    @ Nell - I used a debit card, its fine.


    maybe the tickets are reserved for us incase we cancel

  6. when you cue up for the photos with elijah, does everyone in the cue have to have a ticket - because i'm not having a photo with him but im buying the ticket for my friend so can i still cue up with her when i dont have a ticket



    because this is the first time its being done, i've no idea and ahven't heard anything, but my guess is queueing will be similar to autograph queueing - you might be allowed to stand nearby, but an 'open' queue would allow everyone to line up, regardless of a ticket, and make it more difficult to get those with tickets through.


    however, i don't know, this is just a thought.


    Ok thankyou, i guess i could always go get something to eat and sit near by.

  7. ooooo its tonight they go on sale!! i read it wrong and thought it was tomorrow! lol didnt realise the messsage was posted yesturday.


    woooo i cant wait!!! looks like im going on the sunday now tho to go to elijah and maggies talks. i just rung my friends mum (cos this is for me mates birthday) to check 2nd july would be ok, and i told her what i was doing and she literally screamed down the phone hahaha

  8. argh thats kinda awkward! i was planning on going on saturday but looks like it would be better to go on sunday now to get my friend to the elijah talk, and the maggie talk although means we will be at back for maggies talk ^_^ i want to see hurley too but their split over two days!

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