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Posts posted by talie






    Anthony Daniels has been mentioned in this thread - won't be him.


    Alan Rickman - has an aversion to signing Potter.


    As for other names that have been mentioned - I won't repeat myself... But Harrison Ford is FAR too big and unless you're willing to spend a three figure sum (which would be well worth it etc) same with Stallone. Sigourney et al et al et al.


    With Alan, Isn't a more of a case that.. he prefers to sign what he is currently in, so won't sign HP if you see him at a stage door..


    No he doesnt sign HP stuff at any ocassion whatsoever. Premieres, stage doors, though the mail, nada.


    Oooh, i didn't realise. That sucks.


    I had a friend who met him recently outside where he was working (in London, she knew someone working at the same place and told him when he would be there) and he signed a Snape product for her!


    She's been very lucky then :) I know he's done it in the past, but normally not at all.



    It took camping out in Trafalgar Square for three nights, with all kinds of weather, being hassled by inebriated alcoholics begging for water, extremely hot sun one minute then a deluge of rain the next, then on the day of the Premiere itself about four Harry Potter Fans being taken out by paramedics from fainting etc etc etc - BUT I still claim that it was worth doing the last Harry Potter Prem to get Alan Rickman (who was on our side of the red carpet) to sign my Harry Potter DVD - I don't mind telling you that I was nearly sick with pride as I knew what a big thing this was.


    J.K. also signed it :)


    i was here too and Alan signed my book too


    Along with JK <3 We were there for four nights and the first night was AMAZING then it was terrible lol

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    Who was the crew member who was assisting outside of Sibel’s autograph booth for a while on Sunday?

    She was really cute and looked really familiar which was bugging me the whole time I was queuing for Ian Mcdiarmid.
    She was wearing a hoody with a Disney villainesses design.
    I would have said hi if I wasn’t so busy… and a little shy.



    It's still bugging me :huh:


    It's my friend Siobhan

  3. In regards to the comments about getting in professionals, heck some of the crew are students etc... but we are ALL briefed prior to the event and in person. I quit crewing for a year and came back much to the confusion of some of the people outside the crewing world because I have a "qualified" job, I have a degree in Events Management same as Elaine above ^ we actually ended up at the same uni on the same course! However, crewing is often harder than my real "qualified job"


    I can't say I've been ever called a "stupid C-word here" whilst at work ;) lol The crew do it for the love of it, even if it does mean sickness! Like Elaine I'm at work full of strepsil's and going through lots of toilet roll blowing my nose haha!

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  4. I wasn't given the chance to have my photo retaken and Stan is clearly asleep in it, It would have been nice just to say Hi Stan or Thanks for all your work, no one was expecting a full blown conversation but was ordered not to make any kind of contact whatsoever. My friend had a shoot with John Hurt on Saturday and had a small chat and a really friendly looking photo which took nearly no time at all. As previously said this shoot was a farce. Its just a pity that Showmasters don't reply to your emails or answer your phone ! I saw this as a chance to meet one of my idols and it was impersonal to say the least.

    If you had raised it we would've let you back through, I'm not sure if this was your first con but it's a Showmasters rule, if your photo is dodgy such as closed eyes (yours or guest) etc...they will let you retake it as long as you give them back the original.

  5. Photo shoots are rarely a time to sit and chat with guests, occasionally a guest will interact with you but ive only ever had evyanna lynch have more than a five second exchange.


    I dont think anyone wanted to come across as rude, every single person who had a photoshoot where Stan had closed eyes was allowed to go back through. If people had been chit chatting to him it would've prevented a tonne of people meeting him, however brief the interaction.


    As jason has said we were briefed by stans people, it was his security who gave us the terms we relayed them



    when we went in there was a blonde with her hair down and a brunette guiding people to Stan. I should have added the the brunette just gave orders not politely to not touch or talk to Stan. I felt like I was back in school. You surely realise people have been excited about this for a while but to be treated in the manner we were is unacceptable. But the main point has been that Stan whether he said or not should have had a lesser work load and too much was expected of him. But in all fairness to do as much as he did in that heat was amazing

    This is something I didn't experience, which day was this?



    This was the Saturday third photoshoot which I also experienced. Talie (I think it was; blonde hair, stood next to/nearest to Stan Lee) was very friendly and approachable. The other SM crew/staff inside the shoot however were not...


    EDIT: the guy organising the queue in Photoshoot A area also did an outstanding job!


    That was me! I appreciate your comments, I tried hard to be nice whilst also making sure everyone got through and not come across as a dictator in the process haha!

  7. I think it's unfair to say many of us are just trying to complain... I've said in posts about stuff I enjoyed, the YALC was a huge highlight and I was grateful to meet a couple of guests. But that doesn't solve all the huge safety issues with overcrowding or the smaller issues like the Game of Thrones talk not having a surprise guest as advertised. Personally I'd really just like some reassurance from SM that they know all of the problems and what steps they'll take to fix them. They did make an attempt but kind of upset everyone by implying it was "fiction" in the title.


    But honestly I never complain about anything and I hate the fact that on this occasion I really feel I have to. Would love to just say that it was brilliant and I really enjoyed the book zone and the volunteers were helpful to me, but that would be ignoring a huge part of my experience.

    Totally random but I still love your dress!! (I met you in the queue when I was pushing you through for a photo shoot) and its just awesome lol

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