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Posts posted by LunaTsukino

  1. I can understand where Mike's coming from 1 whole year to book off a holiday is a bit ridiculous.


    However if you notice it's September. September is one of the few months where EVERYONE tries to book a holiday, and the last thing people want is for all of the staff booking a holiday at one time...


    I know people who have to book 6 months in advance. It does happen, especially in a busy organization. That way they can limit the amount of people taking the time off work. It's common sense really.


    On a side note.... Hurry up showmasters and give us a date or confirm it's not happening!

  2. this is a hard year for most businesses in the UK and in till thing get a little better we will not be announcing a date for 2009


    Manchester has always been a hard town to brake even on and we lost money at every event we ran there


    we do still intend to run an event there this year so let see how the next few months work out


    just thought i would keep you all in the loop


    jason :P



    Thank you ever so much for letting us know the situation. I was beginning to loose hope.... :D


    *wanders off to tell her Cosplay Group*

  3. Why is it some people on here can't cope without having their lives mapped out 12 months in advance? Do you know what you're having for dinner next Thursday? Are you so completely OCD that you can't bear not knowing what you're doing on the 9th August???


    Seriously, you need to chill out a little bit. Personally I expect this event to be cancelled, but in all honesty you're just going to have to wait and see. If it happens, great, if it doesn't, so be it.


    I would like a little notice as to when it's happening or if it's happening at all.....


    I don't want to spend 2 months on making a costume for an event that isn't going to happen since manchester is the only place i can go to..... i also don't want to find out a date for the event and be forced to make it in a short amount of time....


    I don't want my life planned out 12 months in advance but don't you think 4-6 months is cutting it alittle close for something that's supposed to be thoughly planned out?

  4. Enough is enough, I, along with loads of other people have been waiting long enough for ANY kind of word from Showmasters.


    We understand that there is a lot going on this year with the many events you're hosting and we also understand the amount of money, effort and preparation that these type of events can take. The continued input on these threads should tell you that there is at least some interest and therefore customers that would like to have answers to very valid questions.


    I'm sure that the majority of people would understand if this event could not take part due to financial reasons, organisational reasons or whatever reasons. Either way it would be nice to know so we could decide and plan how we are going to spend our money.


    I for one am unhappy, not at the fact that the event looks like it won't be happening (and I sincerely hope it is), but at the fact that we have been, imho, ignored. Apologies to SM as they normally do sterling work in keeping us all updated, informed and entertained.


    The last time they gave us any info in this thread was June last year

    The date for the summer Manchester show will be announced later this year. We hope you understand why we are doing this and see that it's the best way to make the event even bigger and better, and we look forward to seeing you next summer.


    Well, same as everyone else, this year my credit has been well and truly crunched so I'm making cutbacks and unless there is a Manchester event I won't be going to any more Showmasters events whether they are in Northampton, any of the Midlands events or even LFCC.


    I've been going to events for over 20 years and for a company this size I'm shocked at the lack of communication with the potential market in relation to this event. This is only my opinion and it saddens me to make it but there is no excuse for ignoring your customer base.





    Kudos to you! I agree to this completely. It's almost as if they don't care, since they havn't confirmed a positive or a negative in regards to this event


    I'm a cosplayer trying to put together a group with friends but at this rate none of us are going to have time to even make our costumes, let alone try and reorganise it all with friends


    I've been going to the Manchester event since the first one and I fully understand like Havok the effort required into putting together an event, but that's no excuse for not at all considering their customers and keeping them informed of what is happening.


    We are at the end of febuary, spring soon, if the even is... as you say.... taking place in summer don't you think you're leaving it alittle too late to inform people who truely wish to go.

  5. I think it'll be better held in summer. More people will be out and about and something like this could be a big draw. Manchester has the potential to be a massive show, just a shame it didn't work in the Spring/Autumn.


    I just hope people in cars are prepared to pay the congestion charge in 2012! ;)


    Heh Congestion charge didn't even go through.... loads of people voted no, so it wont be happening.

  6. I would love it if we could get some Merlin guests to Manchester. I think it would be cool to meet Colin Morgan (merlin)



    Maybe we could use his magical powers to come up with a date for the event.





    Merlin guests would be awesome.

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