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Posts posted by loopymowse

  1. my suguestion is to send showmaster an email.


    that's ok, I'm aware there is no refund or transfer to other event available


    I also booked LFCC around the same time as chevron 8.0, I should still be able to attend LFCC but I will be taking a much slower pace and probably sit down more often, I only attend the talks anyway

  2. The ticket resell policy only comes into effect when the entire event is sold out.


    Do you know anyone who is still going? It could be sorted out for you to still get your autographs and goodies even though you can't attend.


    thanks for the info, I will make note for future reference


    I only attend cons for the talks on stage, I don't need any autos from or photos with the guests.


    it's a shame con talks are not released on DVD as I would happily pay to see them

  3. can anyone tell me if there is a ticket resell policy for this chevron, does it mean the whole event must be sold out or can be applied to if the gold tickets are sold out?


    I have a gold ticket booked for chevron 8.0, I queued and paid for it the Sunday morning of chevron 7.9, so I have a low ticket number


    I have received letter from my specialist today to confirm a hospital appointment for an operation which I have been on a waiting list for months - I will no longer be attending chevron 8.0 (in hospital instead)


    if there is not a sold out notice on chevron 8.0 but there is a sold out notice on gold tickets can I resell my ticket?

  4. I just learned cancellation news, it was posted at something-past 11 last night but I only read the site page when I returned home from work this evening.

    Everything is non-refundable so I feel kind of obligated to go but I have decided not to attend a con before (I think was also a Chevron con) despite having paid for everything and again was non-refundable.

    I would like to meet LD but if she cancelled by tomorrow I can't think of anything to interest me all weekend to be there. No offense intended to the actors; I'm sure they are great guests but I didn't watch ATL TV show.

    I'll have to seriously think about this tonight.

  5. Thanks for photos, I really appreciate seeing them

    I was at Chevron 7 (first con) but I didn't see any mugs :blush: I would defintely have bought a mug if I had seen them

    Just the first Chevron con mug since that was the con I attended

    Or have Chevron co. got any mugs leftover? I know the first con was awhile ago now

    *missed the boat*

  6. Having a problem with crowds of people in small cofined spaces can I ask where the drinks reception for gold ticket con goers is going to be inside the hotel?

    I don't know if the location has changed since the first chevron con - at that con the drinks reception was held in a very small room which became even more confining once the number of gold ticket con goers filled it

    I stayed in chair at the window area because it felt like safest place to be in the packed room

    It was a very stressful experience for me so if I could have an idea what the hotel room was going to be beforehand I can decide whether it's too small for me and not enter the room

    Any info would be appreciated

  7. Hi, sorry if this is the wrong place for discussion query

    Was there a mug made to commemorate first Chevron con (or could have been the second con) available to purchase in the dealer room or collected at registration table by gold ticket con goers?

    Does anyone have a mug? If possible could they post photo of their mug, or post link to their photo sharing site account for us to see the mug?

    I was discussing first Chevron con with members of a yahoo group and a mug was brought up in the discussion; apparently you could get it signed by con guests when going to autograph sessions

    I was golf ticket for first chevron con and I don't remember seeing mugs in the dealer room or given to gold ticket con goers when registering

  8. ok we have some plans for next years event that if all gos well will make the next event one of the best Stargate cons we have had in the UK



    you stole the SG1 stargate and have it stored at a secret location, ready to be set up at the next con


    that would make for the best photo op ever :YAHOO:

  9. Not going to see my favourite BH actor now, the con has been cancelled :thumbup:

    I had been looking forward to it for months and months - got me through some tough times in 2009 thinking I would have a great start in 2010 (the con in February).

    I'm not online much thesedays so I miss news when it breaks, does anyone know what website I should keep an eye on for any news RT might appear at an event in the future? Probably be a fan website, fans of actors put in a lot of effort to keep each other in the loop. If there is a yahoo group or whatever I'd be happy to join it.

  10. Not going to see this actor now, the con has been cancelled :thumbup:

    I had been looking forward to it for months and months - got me through some tough times in 2009 thinking I would have a great start in 2010 (the con in February).

    I'm not online much thesedays so I miss news when it breaks, does anyone know what website I should keep an eye on for any news RT might appear at an event in the future? Probably be a fan website, fans of actors put in a lot of effort to keep each other in the loop. If there is a yahoo group or whatever I'd be happy to join it.

  11. Thanks for letting us know in advance of the date

    Do we need to email to receive a confirmation of refunded ticket order or will this be an automatic process (working through the list of orders made)?

    I had been looking forward to seeing the actors from the show, especially once I learned the date of season (series) two scheduled to air on TV the beginning of next week.

    I hope there might be a BH convention in the future, I prefer cons to signing events because it is more relaxed pace at a con hotel compared to the rush of a signing event hall.

  12. I strongly recommend the photo shoot, not least because you'll regret it afterwards if you don't do it! If anything, they're less nerve wracking, because you just walk up, say hi, smile to the camera and leave, there's little time for chatting!


    I'm not really comfortable having my photo taken in general, I'd feel even more nervous around strangers


    I'm wondering what to take to the autograph table... I would like to print out a good image eg the promo pic on the site advertising the con

    I have awhile yet to decide!



    he is really easy going dont think you would feel nervous around him, talked to him a while before he went to lunch and he was lush!!


    How many events has RT done then?

  13. I have my confirmation email and booked the hotel, that means I'm really going :D

    I got a deal on a second-hand CPU base so I could afford a ticket - I had to wait a whole month before I could sort this out, what a worry on my mind!

    I'm very excited :D

    Is anyone here familar with Bedford could tell the rest of us about it?

  14. Finally, all sorted out, I got a deal on second-hand CPU base so I could afford to get a ticket for "Housebroken"

    I have my confirmation email and hotel booked!

    I'm really excited about this con, February can't come soon enough for me :D

    Can anyone give me info about Bedford? I don't know it very well

  15. can I pick them up at the door if I bought them online? I was worried about the tickets missing me in the mail or not even getting to me in time or something like that.

    But yea - I'll bring the confirmation e-mail should I not have the tickets by the time I leave for the airport !


    When I attended LFCC in July I had printer trouble to print out confirmation email and bring with me (lesson learned not to leave these things until the last minute) the people at the registration desk were very understanding and helpful

    pic ID and knowing what your order number is for the ticket should be ok

  16. Those of you who have met RT can you advise is it ok to be hugely nervous at the autograph table? I have terrible time thinking what to say and be normal when going to the autograph tables at cons

    I won't even try photo ops, too nerve-wracking! :P

  17. no-one able to explain why a leather jacket for me yet?

    It's a little off-putting to be honest, not everyone is keen to wear leather

    If it was the BH TV show costume then it would make more sense, like the ST uniforms and SG BDUs, but as far as I'm aware there isn't a single outfit 'signature' for BH. Checked shirts on George, maybe :(

    Oh well, I was just curious!

  18. I'm four days away from making my order, I had a crashed computer (complete surprise) and new lenses (anyone who wears glasses will appreciate the expense of opticians) to pay out for in the past two months but consider that this will be my only con in 2010 - no plans to go anywhere else. So I would have ordered when I learned about Housebroken from the poster (which was July) but had to wait until the end of this month instead. It's still well in advance of the con date.

    Since 2003 I have attended at least one, sometimes two, cons/signing events per year, I can only afford that amount as it takes a number of months for me to pay off the total cost. It is easier for me when the con is in the UK but even without a flight involved I pay out hundreds of pounds because those trains don't get any cheaper each year - the government allowing the train companies to charge ridiculous prices - plus hotel room bill. I don't have much interest in merchandise, maybe a promo pic, so I'm not even counting what I'm sure a lot of other people do in spending on merchandise.

    I'm looking forward to February; cons are my only indulgence; I work full-time in a very boring job and don't do anything else all year as I'm saving for or paying off bill from that one/two con/s.

    I have no idea how people with children or other responsibilities afford the time and money for cons! It must be even more of a struggle finding the money/time from work for them.

    Just my two p worth to the discussion.

  19. hi everyone


    the line up for this event is looking great and we know that we are all going to have a lot of fun at this event but there is a big but


    we are just not selling the tickets for the event


    Please don't cancel!

    I'm really excited to see the actors, this is the first TV show I liked in years. I never thought there would be a con for BH, I only found out by chance; a poster advertising the event at another event; I wouldn't have known any earlier.

    I have to wait for the end of the month to make purchases eg convention tickets

    I have half of ticket money from the end of last month and will have the other half of ticket money at the end of this month, then I can make my purchase

    There's no other way I can afford the cost.

    I posted about the event in the two places I'm a member of and have been bringing the TV show to the interest of people I know in the US (they have BBCAmerica channel there, they had enjoyed watching "Torchwood" and "Dr Who" so I was confident they would like BH too). I don't have LJ account or belong to sites such as Twitter or Facebook.

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