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Everything posted by Ananas

  1. As Amira said, even if it's just a rumor, we must react now, because when it's official it'll be too late... The official press release doesn't seem to predict anything good... OMG, Taylor... ='( Send your mails, maybe it's the last think to do... > < We've all sent this one, if you want to do the same: => I've removed the links.
  2. Thanks! =) Yeah, all that is insane... > < I don't what could be really efficient, your idea is good but so difficult to achieve... I think that sending them many, many, many mails, is a good idea, because it will become quickly unbearable for them...
  3. SAVE TAYLOR LAUTNER_ 'NO TAYLOR, NO FANS' After Catherine Hardwicke's dismissal, it's now TAYLOR LAUTNER's turn. Gossips are popping everywhere: he may not be Jacob in New Moon! But we don't want another actor. We want Taylor. So it's time to show to Summit how strong is the Twilight Community, and how vividly the fans can react when Meyer's work is not respected. I'm from a French forum about Twilight, and our website, helped by a Spanish one, is launching a project in order to save our Taylor: The Meadow (French website) Taylor Is Jacob (Spanish website) We've created a petition, that you can sign HERE. We already have more than 1800 signatures! It's free, so go sign it! Also, we've created a Facebook group, HERE Almost 800 members, so join us! Then, the important point of the project. We propose to send letters to the Summit, in order to show how angry and outraged we are. Taylor has already proved how talented he was to play Jacob's part, and how this character fitted well to him. He is reproached not to be tall and old enough, but is that really a problem? Taylor is still growing. And even if it's not enough, special effects do exist! With the success of Twilight, Summit has earned so much money; so they can easily give an important budget to special effects in New Moon. So, with the filming beginning in March 2009, to have the movie released in November 2009, Summit obviously wants to fill its pockets as fast as possible, as much as possible, and no concern for the fans and the saga. So, if you want Taylor as Jacob, and Stephenie's work not to be ruined by an actor changing, please send your letter to: Please write your letter on this form: You can download the form HERE. For those who are not very inspired but want to be involved too, your can send this letter, written by our Spanish partners: Just fill the blanks, and send it to the address indicated. Sending several letters is even better, so you can send both the 'official' and yours, if you want. Eventually, you can send e-mails to the Summit at the address: reception@summit-ent.com. And do it several times, each day if you can. An e-mail doesn't take you very long to send! Do it if you trust Taylor! The more numerous we are, the more we've a chance to be listened. And for us who go to the convention, imagine: if he is dismissed, will he come to the convention? Will we see him? Thanks for reading. Anaïs (The Meadow).
  4. It could be wonderful! <3 But I think I don't have any chance to win, so...
  5. Elooo! xD *avait pas vu* Ya plus de fans françaises que je croyais, en tout cas!
  6. Je vais à la convention avec Heavenly, entre autre! =p Ticket argent et hôtel Ibis moi aussi!^^ J'habites en banlieue parisienne, donc pas de problème pour se rencontrer!^^ Sinon, on avait pensé => pourquoi ne pas se faire un T-shirt pour les fans françaises?
  7. Hey Ananas ! I'm from Paris too ! =) Good to see that there are other French Twilighters ! Great! =DD
  8. The prices for the individual photo shoots has not been posted yet. They will likely go on to the on-line shop at some point and so the prices will be confirmed then. Saying that sometimes the photo shoots are not available to buy until the actual show. As an estimate they will be £10 each. Okay, thanks a lot!
  9. Hi everybody!^^ I just wondered, if I get a Standard Ticket, and I want to buy a photo shoot as an extra, how much is it? I didn't find the price anywhere.
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