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Posts posted by thewhiteladyofrohan

  1. Lol i should be living in northants by then fingers crossed but will probably be pottering about all the time anyway



    i assume that you will be staying with your fella if not right?


    I booked my room at the Park whilst I was at The Hub this weekend.


    Got us a Business executive room - oh I say!!!


    Blimey, they're not gonna know what's hit their executive rooms when Nicky and I get there Lol.


    Business suite, get you's... otherwise known as ET2's party central, lol! :YAHOO::blink::D


    Parties in our room then. Better warn Nicky lol - although I do believe she is quite a party animal bless her!


    Cost me £225 though (would have been The Hub auction/spending money, but hey - needed a room).


    And the best part - we're staying on Sunday too - yay!!!!



    if you'd have told me before you could have stayed with me, i already have gemini and will, and probably amanda (if she booked),

    is nicky the girl who was in the corset at the weekend?

  2. Oooh i wonder whos gonna get that last lucky ticket.


    For some reason i now have the song 'ive got a golden ticket' in my head. :YAHOO:


    Not really sure why because these tickets are standards. Must just be the fact that i dont think ive ever used the work 'ticket' so much in one go before.



    lol my 2 year old only just learned the word ticket, she gets on a bus and just say ticket ticket ticket ticket ticket but she almost makes it into 2 words it's kinda like TICK- IT! it's cute!


    so cool to know that 800 tickets are gone and i am G3 lol

  3. Im gettng mine when I got to a convention next week in the states,

    i was going to order but thought I would rather wait and get it in a shop.


    I am buying a few to bring home to friends.




    well my betting is that the borders one will probably appear on stalls at a certain event that happens in a couple of weeks that i will not name for fear of SM yelling at me, mind yu thinking about it it will probably be at collectormania midlands too but i can't go to that.

    but if i see it anywhere i will be picking it up too. It's annoying that the UK borders don't seem to be getting the dvd though. it would be worth a trip to london for it



    Awee what a cute girl!!


    I love your tattoos. I recon you're a LOTR fan too? If so cool


    Nice pic of you and rob there hehe. Are you the girl he hugged at that event? There's a video of him basically giving a girl some major bear hug on youtube, it's cute and funny hehe.



    given my username the fact that i'm a LOTR fan is a bit of a giveaway :) yes i love it!


    as for the hug! i had quite a few hugs from him at that even including one when i was buying from a stall and he came up behind us, but as far as i know there is no footage of any, but admittedly i have not looked

  5. I got mine in the mail this morning, have spent the day watching the film and the extras (am listening to the commentary now)


    I love it, but have to confess i'm disappointed with the amount of deleted scenes, but had to laugh at the "if you watched all the credits you have OCD"


    what about you guys? do you have it? do you love it?

  6. think i will wait a bit before purchasing need to keep some cash in my account for bills etc, when they all go through i will see whats left and decide what to get, think it will be standard though as it's so close to et2 and of course the extra hotel cost for me is a pain!

  7. well barrowmans there so i expect it to go fast (not as fast as et2 though i think they probably sold out of gold today they were upto 132 at 5pm so i'd be shocked if i they didn't sell out. so i expect silver to go quickly too, hopefully plenty of time for standard though :) poor ole jola, i wonder if jason knows what he's doing to her brain when he puts so many conventions on sale so close together. her brain is must be a mush of numbers now.


    *hugs jola*

  8. You went to the hub jealous!


    yes now i get the fun job of watching the ticket count fo rthe hub 3 whilst i save up for that one lol, so many ticket countdown threads so little time!


    poor jola will finish with et2 and get the same for hub 3. jola is going to need a drink the size of too tall when she's done

  9. I'm impressed - it can't have been easy working that out! I have enough trouble putting together a class schedule for one class where nothing relies on anything else - don't think I would have managed something of this scale!


    Having said that I was a bit disappointed to realise that those of us with standard tickets have to chose twice between an autograph or a talk. Especially on Saturday where it's Eve's autograph or Gareths talk. Still, I suppose thats the price we have to pay for being standard and not silver or gold. I'll live!


    remember though it's only rough times, it's possible that eve signs all her autographs superfast and you don't have to miss the talk at all, you never know

  10. hmmm, that's what I like, Showmasters! *pleased grin* so fast with the date.


    uhm, a week before Hallowhedon :headscratch: but if John's going to be there... :D:D;) Two options: a) double flight - come over for the Hub weekend, go home then come over for Hallowhedon again or :D stay the whole week... which my bank account wouldn't be too delighted for, I guess. Unless sacrificing the summer vacation and not going anywhere this year, but saving the money for Oct instead.



    yo're welcome to stay with me if you do need to stay midweek, i live in northampton

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