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Posts posted by sickofdoingnewusernames


    To be fair, I highly doubt Showmasters' target market is children, because they usually don't have a lot of money to spend anyway.


    -Children are accompanied by parents (or like Willow99's sister, accompanied by an older sibling) and these people spend the money. Why do so many places offer 'kids get in/eat for free' ? -Because kids are (hopefully) accompanied by adults who do have money. Children have masses of money or pester-power money, anyway.


    Shame for disabled people who can't travel though. But again, from a business point of view, the number of moderately-massively disabled people attending a local event anyway is probably less than 1%.


    -Oh well, tough luck then eh.


    I agree communication could be better though.


    -Understatement of the year!

    How come the website hasn't been updated to reflect the cancellation?

  2. Yeah, see personally I was impressed by the few Manchester events that I went to. I thought the lineups were strong, so it was surprising to learn that they were not very successful in terms of making money.


    I'd honestly have no idea how to make an event in Manchester successful if they weren't with the lineups they had, so I can understand why they're cautious.



    -How about running it as a not-for-profit? Charity event maybe?


    Perhaps take a leaf out of Trek conventions- higher entry prices, but guests are expected to give a decent-length talk and q&a, rather than just signing at tables, looking depressed.


    And since people are in rant mode, I don't understand how some people are more than happy to spend a few hundred pounds on signatures, and yet get annoyed at the prospect of paying £25 for a train journey. And don't tell me it's not £25 - it is. Book a ticket a few weeks in advance, and as long as you're a bit flexible about times you'll get it cheap. I booked a return train ticket to Birmingham for £27 from London 2 weeks in advance - if you think that's expensive you're living in a strange alternate world far removed from what I call reality.



    -Not all of us buy hundreds of pounds of autographs. I don't buy any, for example. Used to collect Trek autographs but realised it was a bit pointless.


    Travelling also takes time, some of us have jobs to get to, I work on Sundays, say. And to make it pleasant and not a slog, you have to stay over, which is costly. And I know, I've slept in my car to save money, which is not pleasant...


    Also not all of us can book weeks in advance - we may be unsure if we are attending until the last week or two before the event.


    And, since we don't know whether the event is happening, we can't book our ticket until it's confirmed. So if GMEX goes ahead in, say June, you will struggle to get a cheap ticket now.


    If any genuine Northerner (above the Midlands) is perfectly happy with the cancellation of GMEX, then fair enough, can't really argue with that. But, all you Southerners, butt out! :thumbup:


    As for the discussion abouty venue, yes GMEX is far, far too big for such an event. Hold it in one of the Universities, which must be cheaper, surely.

  4. If I were just talking from my own experiences then perhaps you'd have a point - yes, I do live where I do, and it's easy to get to London and Milton Keynes from here. However, if I wanted to go to Manchester or Glasgow then I would do it by saving up. I wouldn't be one of those people saying "please get this guest for MK, I can't go to Glasgow!" or whatever.


    Again, not really a fair comparison DavidB - you can get to two 2 CMs where you are, some of us just want to go to one. And if you can go to the London one why go to the Scotland one? Surely the London one is bigger and better etc


    I'm not the kind of person that expects to have everything that he wants.


    Who is?


    I'm more than happy to pick and choose, and have no issues with prioritising. Does this mean I may miss an event here and there? Absolutely. It's certainly not the end of the world though.


    Who said it was?


    It's the same issue when people say there are too many events and they can't go to them all.


    Well I agree, that's a daft moan. the more events the better, for me personally, so I have a choice what to prioritise. I'm going to a non SM event this year for example - I prioritise that! ;-)


    So what? It's like they think it's unfair that the organisers are offering things that they can't have.


    I think it's more a case of Northerners getting a bit fed up of losing out. It's a cultural thing. We need our own parliament/assembly... oh wait.. we voted against that. Stupid Northerners.


    What's next? Is it unfair for them to sell Gold Passes when some people can't afford them?Is it unfair for organisers to not allow every attendee to afford every autograph they may want at an event? After all, we all have different budgets. You get the idea.


    Unfair comparison. No-one is suggesting this. Although I would like to see autograph prices come down. They don't, so I don't buy em. Again, I would suggest to you, why not just run an event in London then and forget everyone else in the country?


    I do see it from the other side.



    I'm certainly not saying any of this without considering the whole picture. If people can come from all over Europe and other continents then I don't see why it should be fair that there HAS to be a Northern England event.

    Those people are, um, mistaken to do that. ;-) I don't think anyone is suggesting there HAS to be an event in the North, rather expressing a preference that there *is* one. That's reasonable enough isn't it? SM don't *have* to do as we ask, but we have the right to ask it. Maybe we could get the law changed so they do have to? ;-)


    It's like when I crew an event, and there's a guest that is really busy. You'll get people saying:


    "I've come all the way from London! Please let me in the queue!"

    "I've come all the way from Manchester! Please!"

    "I've come all the way from France!"

    "I flew over from Australia!"


    Who the hell is coming from Australia? The mind boggles. I could be cynical and say they are lying just to get in the queue....


    We are all in different situations, whether that be down to locality or finance or whatever else. What it comes down to is that there is NEVER going to be a way for Showmasters to be fair to everyone. And not just SMs, but every damn company in the world. Life isn't fair I'm afraid, and while you have my every sympathy, I also feel some people need to be a little more realistic.


    I'm not asking SM to be fair to everyone, I'm asking SM to have an event in the NOrth of England. Is this such a mad and crazy idea? Are we lunatics for asking this?

    I would simply say to my fellow Northerners, if you feel very strongly about Manchester not happening (and lets not forget it is still happening in 2009) then they need to boycott other SM events. Don't go to to other SM events elsewhere. I won't be. IF you start going to Milton Keynes then it will cement SM's opinion that MK is viable while Manchester isn't. Vote with your wallets, that's all we can do.


    In the end, if SMs are not seeing their previous model for the Manchester event as viable, that's something they need to deal with and something we all have to live with. I've enjoyed my trips up to Manchester for the shows, it's nice to have somewhere different. But if it's not working out then fair enough.


    Well, yes, if Manchester isn't making money then all this arguing is redundant. However as others have noted, better promotion and a smaller less expensive venue may help.

    Anyway all of us Northerners need to go to Manchester in 2009, show our support, and if we lose Manchester, then we may have to take our custom elsewhere. Enough said. Cheers.

  5. Just because Stoke isn't near Scotland doesn't make it south ;) I'm 40 minutes from Manchester. I have travelled to different countries (in fact, different continents) for conventions, and I have done it by saving up VERY carefully from my very narrow and limited student loan. If I want to go somewhere, I will go. If I don't, I won't. If you can't be bothered to have an extra two hours on your journey, that's really not showmasters's fault that you don't want to go enough.


    Um, isn't your student loan supposed to be for the costs of studying and that? ;)


    Course it's not SM's fault I don't want to travel to Milton Keeeeeynes. I *won't* be travelling to Milton Keynes, zat is my point. SM don't get my money. I'm sure that will bankrupt them...

  6. Just because Stoke isn't near Scotland doesn't make it south ;) I'm 40 minutes from Manchester. I have travelled to different countries (in fact, different continents) for conventions, and I have done it by saving up VERY carefully from my very narrow and limited student loan. If I want to go somewhere, I will go. If I don't, I won't. If you can't be bothered to have an extra two hours on your journey, that's really not showmasters's fault that you don't want to go enough.



    Psychosis and DavidB - I'm not asking for an event on my doorstep (I doubt SM would do a show in Middlesbrough!)- I'm asking for an event in the 'North of England'.


    Essentially I'm saying 'It would be a good idea to have an event in the North and I believe SM are making a mistake by not having one in the North'. Psychosis and DavidB are essentially saying 'Well you can't have one, tough'.


    Nothing much else to be said, really is there? I'm not entirely sure what we're arguing about here, diametrically opposing views. Oh well.


    I'm being honest here, I don't think any Collectormania event is good enough to stay overnight for, and I am slightly amazed by those who have posted talking about how far you travel. I think you guys are crazy, but more power to you if it makes you happy. I have attended Manchester and it's fine. The point I'm trying to make is that I feel there are a lot of people in the North who won't travel. You will therefore lose their custom. Now maybe there are more people in the North who *are* willing to to travel so this negates my argument- it's difficult to prove either way, I feel.


    Anyway: tough. Hard cheddar, etc. SM don't have to put events all over the UK, and they don't. I won't attend a Collectormania further than 130 miles from me, so I won't go to Collectormanias anymore. Everyone's happy! Um, is that right?


    To look on the brighter side, Collectormania *is* still in Manchester, we just have to wait till 2009.


    Of course not everyone can, but still that's the way life works isn't it. Not everyone gets what they want. It isn't a case of Showmasters HAVE to run an event up north. They'll run places that are financially viable for them.


    Indeed. Northerners don't have to go to events in Milton Keynes either. I never have and never intend to. Judging by what you're saying, does this mean that the Northern event is already not viable then?.


    I know people that come from Scotland, Ireland, France, America, Australia etc for the MK events. They seem to be able to work things out financially, yet others that live far closer seem to demand SMs run an event right near them.


    Well presumably they earn more money than some of us. Well done to them. I'm slightly baffled why Americans would come to a SM show since they have huge conventions over there, altho I suppose they may be fans of UK genre stuff, poor fools ;-).


    Trust me, a lot of people could be in a far worse situation! In the end, it's more down to an attendee to work out a viable way to get to an event they're interested in, rather than an organiser having some sort of duty to run cons near them.


    This is a slightly odd statement. It is, of course a truism that attendees have to work out a way to attend events, and organisers do not have a duty to provide events, although I do get a feeling of 'hard cheddar' from what you're saying.


    Those of us moaning about the lack of support for a Northern events are the people who attend the event and spend the money! we want to attend! We don't just want a show for the sake of it. We're not moaning just for the sake of causing trouble, here. I have never attended a SM event anywhere else, and have no wish to travel much beyond 100 miles to what I find, is an event that is enjoyable but nothing spectacular - it's a shopping show. I'm sure I'm not the only one who won't bother travelling out of the North to go to a SM event (unless the format of the show shifts away from just shopping and into a more interactive entertaining sort of thing like 'proper' cons) -


    I'm trying to help SM take my money here! If they remove an event from the North, they will lose the custom of a fair few Northerners like me. Maybe our custom isn't enough alone to balance the books, who knows, but we moan about this because we think (not unreasonably) that if you are holding shows throughout the country holding an event in the 200 mile radius of the north is a good idea, and can make money.


    Yes, organisers do not have to organise anything at all... Indeed, why not just hold all events in London and tough luck if you can't get there?



    At the moment I want to go to New York. I can't afford it, but I don't expect them to bring NY to me ..


    Not really a fair comparison, as New York will always be there, whenever you can gather the money or have time etc, whereas events come and go and you have to catch them when you can. Like Pokemon.



    No, they don't all make a profit. And again, they're under no obligation to provide accessible shows for "everyone around the Uk and beyond" - does that mean they should go do shows in every state in the US or whatever? Where does it stop?


    Sure, not all of us can afford travel expenses, therefore we have to miss out. As a wise man once said, you can't always get what you want.


    Well that's what credit cards are for... as I have found out to my cost... ;-)


    I do think though, that DavidB and Psychosis, who are both based in the South (according to your profiles), where there's a greater concentration and choice of events, may also like to follow the wise maxim 'Walk a mile in a man's shoes before you judge him'. Or something. And in my case, walk 122 miles...heh.


    No doubt I'm putting my foot in it here and you're going to tell me you are both originally from Northumbria and Cumbria and had no trouble getting to events. ;-)


    Try and see it from our side. It's easy to say 'tough luck' when it's not your luck that is tough. And we agree that the New York comparison is a bit silly. ;-)


    Maybe a few of us Northern types on these boards might like to get together and run a not-for profit charity event up here? Perhaps we could start something... hmmm...

  8. Where are you from? The Midlands event is really NOT far from Manchester.


    I checked out the distances on Multimap - distance from my home to Manchester event is 122 miles, distance from my home to Midlands event is 183 miles. Hope that helps!


    How far is far is subjective, isn't it? If we had a Collectormania Newcastle it would be 50 miles fro me to travel, so...


    A train trip is only 2 hours :D That's pretty close.


    I'm not trying to devalue your opinion personally, but as a general statement - I do get a bit weary of people expecting a convention on their doorstep.


    well, yes - some people don't mind 2 hour train journeys, others find it a pain. Courses for horsecourse.


    Hey on Teesside we don't get anything like this, we're a backwater, so I don't expect cons on my doorstop - Newcastle would be the best I could hope for. I think those of us from the North East are used to having to slog to events, so it's easy to 'lose it' a bit when we can't even stay in North at all and have to go to the Midlands.


    In other words, no event in the North makes Northerners cry. Anyway roll on 2009.

  9. Sorry to write so much on my first post, but an idea strikes me that will be a compromise between the needs of actors to work and the need of fans to avoid planning travel and accommodation to see stars that don't show.


    When you book your ticket you should have the option to select your preferred guest star or two. In the event your preferred star cancels, you are entitled to a refund of your ticket. It would help advance bookers, I suppose, although I always buy my ticket on the door anyway.


    Or how about a text alert service, sign up to it and as soon as a guest cancels SM text your mobile so you can get on with cancelling tickets and accommodation etc.


    I do have to say though, no-one is putting a gun to these stars' heads, surely they can guarantee ONE day a year?? And if they can't maybe it's just considerate to avoid cons altogether.


    And, to be cynical, how do we know when the stars cancel it's because they've found other work? It may just as easily be because of a hangover for all we know.

  10. I was afraid this had happened when the website didn't seem to be getting updated. Maybe you could put up a prominent message about 'summer 2009' (?) on the site?


    Sadly, once again Northern fans are left to flounder or pay premium prices for transport to events. Me and my mate don't really have the time or money to drive to the Midlands or Scotland, Teesside to Manchester is bad enough. :D


    The forum administrator defends this decision, but where is the evidence that delaying the event will actually result in a better event at all? Having attended various Trek conventions, to me Collectormania is really a trade/ shopping show, not a proper convention, (where the money raised is usually given to charity anyway and fan involvement is greater) so I never have massive expectations when attending a Collectormania - they are supposed to be cheap and regular, surely?


    Why not avoid the GMEX at all and set up in a smaller Manchester venue if you can't get the numbers of attendees etc? The Universities have large spaces which could be used and I'm guessing for less money than GMEX, though I could be wrong I suppose.


    To me, Collectormania is a cheap and cheerful day out for fans, not a full blown convention where the stars are more or less obliged to go on stage and talk at some length and take questions. Therefore it doesn't seem necessary to me to have extra planning time.... perhaps Collectormania will evolve into more of a formal convention than a shopping event (which may be a good thing).


    As many have said, it's us Northerners who lose out as usual, perhaps we should all move South as that Conservative think tank suggested earlier in the year! :uhoh:


    I doubt they'd get many high-quality guests appearing if they had to sign a contract that trapped them into going to an event.


    So get some low quality guests then..!


    One man's idea of a high quality guest is another one's low quality.


    Or you could concentrate on UK stars so that there is less travelling time and likelihood of cancelling (and I say this selflessly ;-) as I'm not much of a fan of UK shows)


    Or how about a 'wall of shame' at the event where we put pictures of cancelled stars up for people to doodle on.. this will scare the other actors into making sure they attend. This idea may not be intended to be taken seriously.


    Anyone got an example of someone who did the shows after appearing in a successful movie or tv show after going on the slide then bounced back Alan Partridge stylee to a better career?

    AND anyone know how much they get for attending cons and make on average on sigs and photo shoots in contrast to what theyd get for a bit part in straight to dvd fodder ?


    I'll give you a list of people who have attended or cancelled who have ongoing careers with work they are proud of:

    Michael Rosenbaum

    Jamie Bamber

    Amber Benson

    John Rhys Davies

    Matthew Lewis

    Dean Andrews

    Adam Baldwin

    Hayden Panettiere

    Patrick Stewart

    John Hurt

    John Barrowman

    Elijah Wood

    James Marsters

    Rachel Luttrell

    Alan Tudyk

    Simon Pegg

    Burt Reynolds

    Michael Biehn

    Amanda Tapping

    David Hewlett

    Nick Frost



    That's just a short list that I came up with off the top of my head. Need I say more or did I manage to appropriately highlight the sheer ignorance of your assertion that all guests who go to cons or cancel have no career and are desperate? :D


    Nick Frost? Are you serious?




    "Your first sentence is a huge sweeping statement. Malcolm McDowell was at Manchester last November and turnout was poor. The accuracy of "if SM get the guests then people come to the event" depends on people's perception of those guests. If you're statement was true, then you have to assume most of SM's audience didn't consider Malcolm to be a "big guest". That would be a very sad thing indeed."


    I can only say that although I was impressed to see Malcolm McDowell, I certainly wasn't going to buy his autograph and I didn't attend to see him. Generally I attend Collectormania for what its name implies: the collecting (the stalls). Rarely do the guests interest me all that much, as I don't buy autographs anymore so I can't chat to them, and unlike in conventions most of them don't give talks anyway. If guests had to give a talk I think attendance would dramatically increase once word got round..

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