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Posts posted by Turtle

  1. You didn't try and talk sense into anyone - you stated that you decided to play Mr. nice guy rather than, you know, moderating. Then you jump on their backs when someone else decides enough is enough?


    You're just as much to blame for this crap as the people you've banned. At the end of the day, you are being just as stubborn as I am. None of you are even willing to admit there was another course of action that could have been taken here - the only reason you went this way is because it's less hastle.


    This "Mods are not your friends" thing... it just suits you right now, doesn't it?




    I hope my behaviour will not reflect on Vicky/Touchthesky who has nothing to do with it... not that that seems to make a difference here.

  2. Quoted, since you replied after my edit:


    Banning three of the most prolific posters in this section isn't going to do much else, is it?


    As for 'not having a choice' - there were multiple options.


    Jumping from 'okay here's a warning' to, 'hey you're banned, here's why for the world to see' is cowardly. It's not confronting the issue, it's putting it in a box and hoping it goes away. You couldn't like, E-Mail and let them know you were serious?


    It's obvious you're being totally selective as well - I was at it, as was that Talie girl (who took the schoolyard approach of 'the bad boys made me do it')


    By joining in with conversations, you've condoned those conversations - now they weren't okay? Just cause it suits?


    Thing is, you're a mod. You've decided to play Mr. nice guy and in doing so, ignored what you are here to do. The reason it's escalated is because no one was willing to do their job.


    When there's a bunch of unruly kids come to my work, I have to tell them to shut up or get out. That's my job and in essence it's your job. No one was doing it.

  3. Banning three of the most prolific posters in this section isn't going to do much else, is it?


    As for 'not having a choice' - there were multiple options.


    Jumping from 'okay here's a warning' to, 'hey you're banned, here's why for the world to see' is cowardly. It's not confronting the issue, it's putting it in a box and hoping it goes away. You couldn't like, E-Mail and let them know you were serious?


    It's obvious you're being totally selective as well - I was at it, as was that Talie girl (who took the schoolyard approach of 'the bad boys made me do it')


    By joining in with conversations, you've condoned those conversations - now they weren't okay? Just cause it suits?

  4. Oh hang on...7 weeks and a bit just had a check hehe. I refuse to take my kids to the cinema, I know fine well they wouldn't sit for any longer than half an hour. You have my deepest sympathies! Do Twilight fans scream at the screen and stuff, or at worse streak?


    It's just the sheer level of noise. The rules for putting in a film where I work are that you stay for ten minutes after the film starts and do a five minute check every fifteen-twenty minutes... I'm not saying we always do that, but that's what they say...


    Film logo, screaming. Easter Island head appears, screaming. Yon boy takes his shirt off and the place goes Ape s***, it's scary. You can hear it from the Foyer.


    We've only had one fight over whether Edward or Jacob were the least lame. Crazy folks, you don't see me punching anyone because they prefer Tom Baker to Patrick Troughton.


    Obviously they're not all like this - Vicky and her friends don't feel the need to scream like idiots.


    We once had someone come in and scream because we had a sign that said "New Moon pre-order tickets not available". What? You realise you are screaming at a white bit of paper with somes Times New Roman on it?


    As for kids, younger ones tend to be okay. It's when they turn 12 that they become a problem, especially if it's a boy/girl group.


    Can't say I've ever seen anything like that at the cinema lol =[


    Statistically I'm more likely to see it/hear it - minimum of 90 damn times I had to deal with the last film. Oddly enough, it's never the first or second showings, but after that all bets are off.

  5. 8 weeks? It's only six up here, thank god for that.


    Imagine trying to control a cinema full of screaming kids throwing a fit over the latest Disney-Pixar thing. That's Summer for me.


    Still, not as bad as Twilight fans. That'll be tons of fun...

  6. I could totally pull it off. No question.




    So I see that there's a spin-off of the original Halloween getting made, based on one line of dialogue in the movie.


    Well, least Rob Zombie has nothing to do with it.

  7. I could never pick between Returns and '89.




    I have revised my stance on the finale - given Matt Smiths statements I fully expect (and hope) that the Big Bad will be Patrick Moore.

  8. Oh I agree - I was just saying that you don't really need to explain it with Batman (but it's good that they took the time and effort to do so) but with Spider-Man I do think they need to explain how a poor kid with no money gets a fancy costume.


    That's the reason I like the TV series costume... it's crap.


    I think thats why I liked the 'developing the look' talk in Batman Begins. How to get all the bits and pieces without anyone finding out. Aside from Fox who just didn't want to know.


    To be fair though, you don't really need to explain the Batsuit, no matter how sexy it is 'billionaire' covers it. And Batman Begins explanation largely extends to "it was just lying around not doing anything"



    Suit: Just lying around

    Cape: Just lying around

    Utility belt: Just lying around

    Cowl: Had it made

    Tumbler: Just lying around


    Batman '89/Returns

    Suit: Billionaire

    Cape: Billionaire

    Utility Belt: Billionaire

    Cowl: Billionaire

    Batmobile: Billionaire


    Also, I've accepted your theory on how Parker afforded his suit as fact. Love the idea of stealing to fight crime.

  10. People have a problem with the word "Series" round these parts - but only when talking about Television.


    "Oh yeah, I watched that new serious of 24."


    It bugs the crap outta me, and no matter how many times I tell them how to say it they can't get it right. So now I'm pushing "season".

  11. That's a good point. I always thought it was a bit silly how Pete was wrestling Randy Savage in his jammies one minute and then swinging through Manhattan in a Hollywood standard costume the next.


    Exactly, there's Peter Parker bitching about having no money and spending at least $400 on a snazy costume for himself (going by the cost of the average decent fan replica obviously, not the real suits themselves) with 3D webbing and all kinds of crap.

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