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Posts posted by Kitty

  1. Oops - sorry Kitty, didn't see your message until after I'd posted my last message! :D Good to see you're OK - any chance of you making it to GMEX? You have to help us keep voting for Fred - between the three of us (me, you and elwebb) we could still win!!!! :D


    Yes, I am going. I don't really want to go in a big group though. I'm going with my mum and after we meet James and Oliver, we're off to explore Manchester. I could stop by and say hi, but I have some business and shopping to take care of. So, I can't wait in line with anyone.


    + Fred

    - Neville


    Neville - 47

    Fred - 19

  2. Yo, Kitty! Is that you?


    Anyhoo, just to fill you in - it's +1 but -2 in this round so I'll adjust your score :P Much as I love Neville, can't have him with extra points lol, not with Fred still in the running!


    Of course it's me! How many Kitty's do you know? I've been really busy. I'm not at the moment though. :P


    + Fred

    - Neville


    Neville - 53

    Fred - 22

  3. Actually all guests who do photo shoots are doing both days, but are only doing the photo shoot one day.


    Wait, if all guests who do photo shoots are doing both days, why are the Phelps Twins only doing Saturday? Unless it's all guests but them?

  4. Uh, hey. I run a site for James and Oliver. Was wondering if I could borrow it? I will credit you however you like.



    Hi, :wub:


    I'll make a deal with you... you give me the web site it will be on, and you can have the pic for free. :WINCE:


    What do ya think?



    Deal! http://www.joptwins.com :( If you see anyone else with pictures can you direct them to me?



    I'll let you know when mine are up *goes to check out your site*:gorgeous:



    Thanks so much! I can't wait to see them!

  5. Aye, me, i'm the mentalist.  :blush: Someone's got to be.



    Didn't say it was a bad thing did I?



    Kitty dude - killing is wrong - you should know this by now!



    Yeah, but this one was evil. I was trying to host it on my own server but it wouldn't work. I think it's my web provider. They don't let you have hardly anything.

  6. Actually you can't. Deleted your account in a mass cleansing of the boards. :angel: Every had started multiple accounts and they weren't posting. Thought the only fair thing to do was delete everyone's account. I actually was going to get a new forum. But, I got frustrated with it and killed it. :wub: But, the name Tippin is still open.

  7. I second that it's good to see Tippin back - we missed ya, gal! :D


    Altogether now:







    You are another one! Sign back up on the forum and fight the teenie invasion! They are driving me bananas. I think they actually stopped posting because I was yelling at them so much.

  8. lol not really lol - he's very easy to get on with lol and a top guy - would love to say we're good friends though lol


    Tell people you're good friend with him! They'll never know!:o


    Oh yeh lol - He's very shy and I think alot of fan girls are a bit overwhelming for him to deal with but when he did they Harry Potter talk he did his best to answer any of the questions that were asked - I asked one about collecting (amongst many many many others lol) and he said he collected the inserts from his cd cases though he didn't keep the cases - he made sure he made eye contact with the questioneer when answering as well lol


    BTW are you gonna enter the fan fic comp?


    You got eye contact from the one and only? WHOA! That's an accomplishment! At the premier, my friend totally freaked the poor boy out. She like reached out and flicked his hair and he was like "okay then. . .now i'm scared." He didn't say that, but his look said it all. I got a hug but eye contact. . .no. It was Oliver who spoke to me more, it was weird cause he apporoached me which i didn't think would happen EVER. I was more then shocked.


    The Fan Fiction contest? No. Mainly becuase i don't see myself as that good of a writer. I'm too much of a perfectionist and would probably kill myself stressing over it. But i do write though. Got all my stuff on Fanfiction.net. Well some.


    Are you going to enter?



    Already have done lol - posted loads of fic on there not all for the comp though - I'm smirnoff_ryuu on fanfiction.net


    On Chris - nah that's just weird lol - my sister can't get over the fact that he talks to me when I see him though lol


    Yeh James did this really weird thumbs up thing with me at the same time at the prem was really funny lol - Oliver is VERY talkative (this coming from me)



    Oi! I haven't been in ages. You haven't been on the forum in ages and someone mentioned talking to you. I realized I missed you so very very much.


    But when I meet them, (yeah I so meet them!) James was talking up a storm. He really almost didn't let us leave. He kept asking me and my Mum questions. So, we just hold him we had to go because I felt really bad for holding up the entire line. I felt so entirely bad. Oliver didn't say a word the entire time. Well, except when my mum mentioned her favourite part. Then he went back to just watching us talk to James. He did ask he me the Villa scores and give me a hat. I thought that was cool.


    PS: Come back on the forum

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