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Posts posted by Kayim
I love Will's journals
He made me a custom Justice League one that I picked up at GMex. I'm tempted to get one of the Lost ones he's making too......
We're heading down after I finish work (about 1:30pm) and it's about a 3 hour drive. I reckon that will be plenty of time....
If you're staying in the con hotel, there should be enough time to go get changed and be back for the party just late enough to make an entrance :)
May I ask why you're so keen to go, Kayim? We have it SO much better here.
I honestly dont know :) It's just been a dream of mine for a long, long time. I am fascinated by everything American and I've always hoped to live there.
It's not likely to happen though - it costs a lot to emigrate
Yes. It's crazy, I know. It's putting a cramp in my financial situation.
I'm probably giving up some beach days this summer by traveling to England for a Lost con. My husband doesn't get it. LOL. But, I love to travel and I love the show - and when the opportunity presented itself last year - I said "why not?"
Jealousy is so not necessary - you Brits (and I say that lovingly) have a much better health care system than we can ever wish for! - I would consider my family at the lower end of the middle class. My health insurance sucks, big time. (I look at it that way because I've got a kid who needs yearly check ups, eye exams, teeth cleanings, etc. - not to mention the same for my hubby and myself). If I had the security of a good job with decent pay in England or France - heck, even Canada - I would move out of this country in a second, just for the health care, among other obvious reasons. But the shopping is good here, I have to say.
Oh, we're so going to have to meet up at Lockdown!! You can tell me all about the US - I'm desperate to emigrate there, with my hubby and daughter :)
Thanks for the update. I'll be there next time too and will be proud to say that I was there at Lockdown #1!!
That's how I feel. ('Cept I don't know if I could make the same trip next year. This one cost me alot of $$).
You're coming from the US? I'm impressed. And jealous :)
Thanks for the update. I'll be there next time too and will be proud to say that I was there at Lockdown #1!!
Kiele Sanchez!
LOL! I've not been on here that long and even *I'm* not shocked by your answer!!
*whispers* She is pretty though....
Me and my best friend and our other friend.
Daniel Dae Kim.
I can hope, right?
I totally agree that people can voice their opinions about who they prefer to see, but should also remember that with just a few weeks to go , these guests could be reading our forums to get a feel for how they will be welcomed
Not just this thread, but others disappoint me too when I read things said about guests
I have to agree strongly here. I run a blog for an actress who was recently in a very popular show. There was a thread on a forum online that she heard about and went over to read. She was extremely upset by what she read there - especially in terms of people complaining about her personally, rather than her as an actress.
I'm in the obsessed category. I can't wait to meet these guests. If nothing else, they're all so different in terms of their other acting roles, so they should be pretty interesting just for that....
Here's mine. As you can see, I prefer not to have myself in the photos!! LOL!
I almost wet myself with excitement there - came onto the board and saw the Latest Guest Annoucement was the latest post!
*Goes back to waiting (im)patiently*
I'm going for the best of both worlds - a book of photos :)
Gold pass, so will be getting all the photos :) LOL! As for autos, at the moment, the only *extra* one I'm getting is Frederic Lane, as I need his auto for my Supernatural collection!
sounds cool
but alot of people wont know who they are if they havent been to cons before
Surely that will add to the fun?! The confusion of seeing a Jedi Chef at a Lost Con? Hehe.
I remember seeing them at a Stargate con, I think it was. Confused the hell out of me until I actually spoke to one of them and found out what it was all about :)
If I'm honest, I used to think it was a little weird, but now? I think they're great! They always make me smile when I see them!
I'll come to this.
Maybe I can get some tips on how to get past three chapters
I seem to be only able to do one-shots.
LOL! Not from me you wont :) My fics tend towards the shorter side.
Except for my AU, which is threatening to take over my entire life!!
I tend to use my LiveJournal for fic. Well, both of my LJ's (one was supposed to be for fic specifically, but I keep forgetting to update it!!)
And coffee always works for me!! LOL!
So is anyone planning on dressing up for the con?
Other than the regular Jedi Chef's, of course
I'm consdering my first ever costume for a con, but only if others are dressing up! LOL!
Excellent! Feel free to spread the word.
I'm wondering if there might be somewhere that Showmasters can arrange for us to "hang out". Will have to ask!
i would
but it depends what fanfics
i wouldnt be up to writing the ultimate jate chronicals
but hehe ive wrote a few fics in the past and it sounds like fun.
I was thinking just short fics with prompts, like what would character A do in situation B.
It would just be more something to do in the quieter moments to get to know other people at the con.
I was thinking that it might be nice, as a Lost fanfic writer, to get together with other writers at the con, perhaps during a quieter moment (during the signing/photo sessions if the schedule for Eclipse is anything to go by).
We could just have a "drop in" group where people could brainstorm fic ideas, maybe work on some short pieces together.
Do you think anyone would be interested?
Ooooh. That's awesome! I wonder if he'll be able to tell us anything new about Dharma. I doubt it, of course, but it would be great!
Dealers Room at Lockdown
in Lockdown - Lost Convention
The smallest size notebooks (about A6 size) are usually £16-£18. A5 size is £30-£35.
They're well worth it.