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The Lady Elanor

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Posts posted by The Lady Elanor

  1. I saw you but luckily I escaped cameras all weekend! (Except that awful blow up doll one)

    sooo... you've forgotten that there are at least TWO piccies of you from the party? :lol: :lol: :D

    :o Ahhh oh yeah, cute little Irish guy, I vaguely remember having a picture with you. Oh dear, I dread to think!

  2. *sulks* Everyone forgets me!

    I didb't you weren't there on the Friday night but you was at the party, was you wearing a hat?? We didn't chat long though, if at all. I was here, there and everywhere me thinks!!!

    lol. I was sat opposite you chatting with Jez, and we swapped my hat for your tiara at one point.

    I so do not remember that what so ever, I must have been a goner by that point LOL

    Don't worry, I seem to have forgotten pretty much everything from that night, way too much alcohol involved.

  3. Well I had a good time!!


    My mate and I came to the party.....have to say were a tad disappointed that Billy did not show....but hopefully we will meet him again next time!!


    Yes I agree that there were some discrepancies as to what SM offered. If there were problems prior to the event, really they should have let people know.


    As already mentioned I was a tad disappointed that Billy did not show.....and a little bored....and needed something to admire from afar....and all I can say is...who was the cute cameraman????? :unsure:

    It was nice to admire him working....!!!!


    Sala Baker was cool....really lovely to meet him, such a nice guy. The same goes for Thomas Robins too.


    And Devon Murray was soooo sweet!!


    Peace, Love, Empathy.


    Sadie. x

    Which one? Blonde one is David and the dark haired one is Mark, both lovely guys.

  4. 1.) What is your main purpose of going to Collectormania


    *Meeting friends


    2.) How did you hear about Collectormania




    3.) How many days have you attended this weekend




    4.) How do you act around famous people.


    *Just normal


    5.) How much do you roughly spend at Collectormania


    *Over £200

  5. *sulks* Everyone forgets me!

    I didb't you weren't there on the Friday night but you was at the party, was you wearing a hat?? We didn't chat long though, if at all. I was here, there and everywhere me thinks!!!

    lol. I was sat opposite you chatting with Jez, and we swapped my hat for your tiara at one point.

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