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The Lady Elanor

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Posts posted by The Lady Elanor

  1. Ummm well I used to live up North, born there in fact and actually there are plenty of rolling fields round MK. Last time I went to Manchester I was mugged at Knifepoint, the worst that ever happened to me in MK was my hot chocolate not being frothy enough.


    Sorry but it sucks I know, but the South actually is a better place to be, the North just has the nicest people.


    I actually enjoy annoying the shoppers in MK, it gets people back for when they come on holiday to my lovely little seaside town hehe.

  2. People who rustle sweet papers in the cinema.

    I gotta disagree with that one! Its hard not to make noise and if u try not to make noise you normally make more noise which lasts for longer :headscratch:

    Buy sweeties without wrappers, flipping starbursts are the worst.

  3. People who rustle sweet papers in the cinema.

    That git at the back row who farts during the emotional moment.

    Monday mornings.

    Chocolate handprints.


    Shops that close because it's wednesday

    Emptying the vacuum cleaner

    My neighbours

    Toyota pick ups

    Boy racers


    :angel: that'll do for today.

  4. Is this a bad time to say I like GC?



    Mainly because this is a DURAN DURAN thread.

    Ahh shut up and go put some eyeliner on! :lol:

    eh-hum, i think youll find..


    thats MY job :D





    Duran Duran were on Jonathan Ross! (with graham *cough*) they do wear an awful lot of make up, dont they ;)

    so you lot were all bouncing at them, and im bouncing at graham, were all happy :lol:

    :D way to go Sarah! :blink:



    Graham was lovely wasn't he, I'm so jealous of you meeting him.

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