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Posts posted by brokenhyperlink

  1. So there are 3 talks but I've got entry so far for the Christopher Lloyd talk then?

    Also I have seen that they haven't released a final batch for the MJF and Delorean for the Sunday so who knows?
    If I can't get the Delorean, what one should I get. I'm going as Marty so I'm not sure what one would look better/funnier


    P.S. Sorry that it has taken so long to see these! I for some reason didn't get any notifications. Need to look into that

  2. Sorry if this has been asked before but will there be an opportunity to get a photo with MJF on the day?

    During all sales, I never had enough money because you know how student life is, being in secondary school and only getting £60 every 2 weeks is really bad for something like pre-sales and not having time to get a job :crying: (sad times)


    If not I will be severely disappointed as it is a little unfair for people who had to wait for pay-days and such and are trying to save. I also didn't know batches were coming out and never knew when they were :o Was there an option to subscribe to it or was it just a thing you had to check constantly?

    I can't wait for this con :dance: So excited! This is my present for my 18th birthday back in April. I'm sure you can all agree that it's pretty awesome :coolthumb:

  3. What's up glitches ;)


    So I was wondering how many BTTF talks there was as I'm trying to save up so I have enough for everything. Does Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox have their own, and then an additional BTTF cast one or is there just 2?

    Also I was wondering how likely is it to get a photo with MJF in the Delorean without a prepaid ticket. It was announced and I didn't have enough money at the time but now all 4 batches are sold out and I have money today :/ This convention is my 18th birthday present and being in the Delorean with MJF cosplaying Marty would be such a good photo!



  4. So I know that at cons for gaming, anime and comics, it's probably impossible to go an entire day without seeing some cosplayers. Some good, some bad, some exceptional.

    I'm here to talk about those people who are exceptional. Some people's cosplay's are soo good that they become popular or well know because of it and can also be requested to go to events! So I was wonder if I could make a request.

    I would love to see Calssara and Elffi at Belfast Film and Comic Con!

    They have sooo many amazing outfits and cosplays plus I'm sure they would be more than happy to sell prints or do a panel!

    Here are they're websites.


    Calssara: Website: http://www.calssara.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calssara.cosplay

    Deviantart: http://calssara.deviantart.com/


    Elffi: Website: Can't find it :'(

    Deviantart: http://elffi.deviantart.com/


    Also who would you all like to see make a special appearance!

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