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Posts posted by MJF82

  1. I've bee reading all the comments for days now but after reading this post, I thought i should say something.I've been going to the LFCC for years and each year you kinda feel it's getting bigger and bigger but I could have never imagined, it was going to be as it was. You keep saying you didn't anticipate all those people coming with no prepaid tickets..true but I guess it has never been a problem so they thought it wouldn't be this year either.i never bought prepaid until now and never had issues.Anyway, I got pre paid early bird tickets.i arrived at 8:30 and I couldn't belive my eyes. Didn't even know which one was the right queue. I asked a member of your staff and their answer was non existent. Literally. They ignored me.so I found the queue and I got in near 11.By that time, the venue was already overcrowded. It took me 30min to be able to pass by the vendors stalls to the guest signing area....and there were still hundreds of early bird attendees still to enter..so the only explanation I can find is that tickets were oversold.Unless you thought we are all the size of a pea and we would have enough space to move. Also..I'm surprised no one mentioned the moment when , after fighting my way out to breath in some air, I was not allowed to get back in.i had a photoshoot scheduled (same as many more people standing with me at the door) and they are telling us we cannot go back in for security reasons? Not cool . obviously we all got angry and somehow I got pushed by a huge crowd and we made our way in.not nice but that's how it happened. Even though I got what I paid for, I couldn't enjoy it. Spent more times queuing and trying to move than anything else. When I was outside, I witness people getting sick, fainting and getting hit by cars...horrible. of course we can all learned from this but I don't think we can onky blame those hundreds of people with no tickets...the problem was already there...what I dont understand is how you were still selling tickets when the venue was already at full capacity and if you were not..did someone bother to inform those hundreds of people that they wouldn't get in??? At 4 the queu was still there...but of course, you could check in the website and the sentence "plenty of tickets available" could be misleading. I am still thankful for the event and I'm lucky I got my one autograph and photo shoot but a backpain for days and the stress of that Saturday..kinda destroys what it should have been an amazing experience. Thanks for reading.

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