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Posts posted by PartTimeRogue

  1. Re refunds on dedications, this had been posted elsewhere on the Forum:


    Showmasters Pre orders

    Best Boy

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    Posted 15 July 2014 - 04:49 PM

    First batch of pre order have been sent out. Mostly posters.


    Refunds are being done as i come across your order, that includes cancelled guests. and dedication refunds. please wait for a couple of weeks before you contact me about it. please check your accounts for the refunds before you do contact me as in most cases the refund will of been processed.


    Seriously folks i keep asking to be left alone to get on with the pre orders.

    There is only one of me and getting pre orders out is my main priority right now. getting emails asking how the show went, when will items be sent out, when will i get my refund and did my pre order get done. Is rather frustrating. So please leave me alone. if there is an issue i will contact you.


    I am sorry but i am not replying to any of these emails as i just want to get your items sent out to you.


    If you do have an urgent need to contact me that is not covered above email preorders@btconnect.com

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  2. We attended on Saturday.

    The fact that the Book Zone only rates a line or two in this statement underlines the feeling that we had about the event. YALC was treated like the poor relations at the wedding, shoved into a small space at the back.

    We felt that the organisers woefully underestimated how many people would attend the event for the authors. There were no virtual queue tickets for the authors, and no space allowed for queuing to meet them.

    I believe the numbers of book fans attending prove that YALC has enough support to be an event in its own right next year. If not, then please have the sense not to put Children's Laureate Malorie Blackman within 10 yards of the queue for an A lister like Stan Lee. And have virtual queuing. One of the volunteers tried to move us on because we were blocking the area next to Stan Lee's queue and people couldn't walk through the area. He was incredulous when we explained we were queuing for Derek Landy. Authors have fans too, mate


    I could be wrong, but I think YALC wasn't organised by SM. It was a separate event inside LFCC as a taste of what could happen. It was the first one so they just needed the space and venue to try it out. Obviously it was a big success and I'm sure they'll be considering doing it standalone next year. YALC has it's own website/twitter feed/contact details so you should check those out to pass your comments along.

  3. Good:

    High quality guests (esp STAN LEE!)

    Extra Stan Lee signing on Friday

    Crew (Friday only)

    David on Twitter

    TooTall's highly informative FAQ post on here


    Crew (Saturday) - in particular them not knowing what's going on

    No announcements for whole queue - only front of queue

    Lack of clear organisation/signage for queues (Saturday)

    Programmes (no idea where these were being sold, could have been sold on the door as we went in or outside venue upon showing ticket/stamped hand)

    Too many people

    Thin aisles

    Lack of seating space

    Lack of bins

    No "surprise guest" at GoT screening/commentary = misselling, and then lack of updates on who guests were

    Gmail/Hotmail emails not eligible for registration on here

  4. Who was the girl Saturday morning dressed as Kristoff from Frozen, giving out high fives and free carrots?? Loved her, definitely kept us entertained. Got a photo with her and Sven.

    Pretty sure this is Caroline Strong - not sure if she's on here but she's a member of the "london film and comic com 2013" group on Facebook :smile:

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  5. It really was an absolute waste of £20. Firstly, people started queuing inside Earls Court in the stage area, only to then be told the building had to be cleared first and then people had to come back in. We were then sent to the back of another queue outside - no idea how anyone knew this queue even existed unless from their experience the previous year.


    There were no announcements about ticket numbers in the queue, and it was gone 7pm when a group of people walked towards the back saying they'd been told to go to the back so that people with a lower ticket number would get in first. This was never communicated by a member of staff though.


    A very quiet crew member was letting people in by number group and finally a man in the queue shouted out the numbers so that the people behind had a clue what was happening.


    When we got in, each row had a number on it anyway, but none of the tickets were checked to make sure people went to the right seats. Some people obviously sat wherever they wanted anyway, as people came to sit on our row and there were no seats left.


    The host just loved the sound of his own voice and the competition and piñata just dragged the start out even longer. When the guests were announced, I still thought that someone extra was going to come in as a surprise, and it took a few minutes to realise that was it.


    The 3 guests really had nothing to do with the episode, which is probably why they didn't have much to say about it apart from making fart jokes.


    Couldn't really hear the guests or the episode, and overall was really disappointed by it. Finally got out just before 9pm - through the doors we hadn't been allowed out through earlier in the day!


    I support all this. 500+ people paid £20 each... for that SM should have got a "bigger" guest. I was very disappointed with this waste of money. Had SM announced the guest speakers on the website then I would not have bought tickets. One of the guests wasn't even in the episode!


    Anybody know who the host was?

  6. So here are my comments/suggestions...


    I attended the early Stan Lee signing on Friday. The queue was easily identifiable because there was only the one.... people were in good spirits until 11am came and went and the queue hadn't moved. At about half past, a chap wearing a blue vest shouted that Stan Lee was running late and would be another 20 minutes. At about 12, the queue started going in. Once inside, crew were helpful and keeping things orderly. Particularly the young lady with dark brown hair wearing a Ravenclaw purple t-shirt - she was really bubbly, friendly and approachable. I got my Stan auto which was really the whole reason for my visit and was out by 1.30pm.

    Suggestion: the queue was kinda long and only the people near the front were addressed. Perhaps the chap could have gone further down the queue to update those at the end, or another person could have done this to make sure people knew what was going on.


    I arrived on Saturday just before 9am. We were directed around the back of EC1 and 2 and ended up walking the entire way round when it would have been easier just to go straight up. There was no easy way to identify which queues were which. We joined the EB queue by asking others in the queues which queue they thought they were in. After about half an hour, a man in a black shirt with flowers on started another queue for EB ticket holders (I think this was Jason?). We rushed to get in this queue... even though we didn't really know what was going on. I noticed upon going into EC2 that there were A4 sheets stuck on the glass doors. This really isn't enough if you're queuing around the corner. An hour later and we were in.

    Suggestion: clear signage for queues and proper briefings/timely updates for all crew.


    I wanted to pick up a programme so I could see the layout and also enter the raffle - I had no idea where these were sold but thought they might be at the sales desk. I was not about to queue up with all those people wanting to buy talk and shoot tickets just for a £5 programme.

    Suggestion: have crew selling the programmes as they check your tickets upon entering EC.


    I only wanted to attend the YALC talks so headed straight there - had to ask a member of their crew for directions to their Sales desk and they were super helpful. Sorted myself out there and then spent time milling around the stalls. It was heaving and you couldn't really get to the front of a stand unless you waited for a gap to appear- blocking the stream. On several occasions I was hit by various wings, armour or weapons from cosplayers.

    Suggestion: I know this might be really stupid and not easy to control, but getting people to go up one side of the stalls in one direction and then back down the other side in the other direction would be helpful. Or bigger aisles. Or big storage space for cosplayers to stash weapons or big parts of their costumes while they're browsing - they could then pick these items back up for photos in that middle strip of the hall that had been kept clear.


    Other than the YALC sessions and browsing stalls, there wasn't anything else I wanted to do so needed to take a seat somewhere- I have problems with my feet and they get really painful after standing for 2-3 hours straight. There wasn't a lot of space for sitting either and where people had found space, they were also leaving their litter behind.

    Suggestion: dedicate a space in the venue for rests, and get more bins!


    I'd bought tickets to attend the GoT commentary and screening that evening but wasn't sure where it would be held. I asked a member of crew wearing a blue t-shirt where it would be and she said she thought it was EC1. I'd read on here previously about blue crew not really being in the know so asked a red t-shirt wearer too. EC1 she said. Me and my partner went to grab some air at about 5.30 before heading over to EC1 and were sat outside on the steps of EC2 when a queue started forming behind us. We had no idea what it was for and ignored it after being told by the red t-shirter that the screening was in EC1. Just before we got up to go to EC1, a man in a blue t-shirt shouted that the queue behind us was for the screening. We jumped up and got in that queue, waited really patiently past 7pm until someone in a blue t-shirt came and announced that we would have to organise ourselves into groups with tickets numbered 1-50 first, then 50-100, 100-150 and so on. Again, the back of the queue was left clueless until word had spread through the queue. This rearranging took at least half an hour and then getting everyone seated in the hall took even longer. I was overall disappointed with the screening. The seats were uncomfortable to sit on for a long period of time and I wasn't very excited about the guest speakers. Had they been announced on the website when I bought my tickets, I wouldn't have bothered. I also thought there was a surprise speaker but none were announced. The guests that were there were very funny and shared a little insight into the episode but it wasn't worth £20 per ticket. Given that there were 500+ people there having paid £20 each, I would have liked a "bigger" guest.


    My partner and I evaluated our Saturday experience and decided to sell on our Sunday tickets - I was only planning to attend Sunday for YALC talks but with our disappointment over the workshop and talk we attended there, and the overcrowding, it just wasn't worth the £30. It was only after we got home that we read on Facebook about the overcrowding, Stan Lee supposedly leaving early, people being turned away after 5 hours queuing, and other complaints that we knew we'd made the right decision.


    As far as pre event planning goes, many people have said that they don't have Twitter.... you don't need a Twitter account to check the posts. You can still check to see if your question has been answered already just by visiting the direct URL.

    Suggestion: I find it baffling that this forum doesn't allow members to use Gmail or Hotmail addresses to sign up with- these are surely two of the biggest providers of free email and when you limit the options of contact available, this forum needs to be more accessible. I've had to sign up to Yahoo just to post this comment! SM should clarify all points of contact on the website


    I'd like to say a big thanks to David for keeping up with the updates and questions on Twitter, and to TooTall for the really helpful FAQ post on here.


    Overall, I got what I wanted from LFCC, which was the Stan Lee autograph. I was disappointed with some of it and it could have been organised better. But, it could have been worse. Credit where it's due to SM for getting Stan Lee. But unless huge improvements are made, I won't attend any more.

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