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Posts posted by MrTakers

  1. How late will Gillian be signing till? My photo shoot won't be till the afternoon, and i would like to get my photo sign by her, im just thinking of last year when we weren't getting photos back until just doors were closing for the day!


    Apologies if this question has already been asked, but i don't have the time to trawl through 30 pages of Q&A!

    We've had guests sign right up until closing before, so it might be possible.


    Sean Schemmel is doing a talk on Saturday what is the likelihood that he would sign and DVD or Video Game that he has worked on for me?

    There's no signing of items at talks.


    He's down as signing all three days though so he should be taking part in normal signings - price TBC.


    Actually just found this in another topic:


    This NOT official.....but....


    As far as my understanding goes, Sean will be free for the first autograph.


    I don't have information on the price of extra, or how it will work, sorry.


    Thank you for the clarification

    Is there any news on when an "official" signning will be annouced?

  2. George Perez' cover of infinite crisis has one of the best drawn pictures of Superman ever in my opinion.

    Not one of my favourites I know Hellblazer and Fables are both meant to be great I will have to get round to taking a look at the two of them sometime.

    I have been reading too much of Captain America Sentinal of Liberty recently to have time to read any others.


  3. In my experience they tend to have prints, the ocasional origional art, and more often than no a bunch of comics they have worked on.

    Oh, and of course they are usually ready to do a sketch for you.


    Thank you, I most likely will end up getting a print or original art signed then.

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