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Posts posted by Universenurse

  1. There is always something improveable everywhere. Nothing is perfect!Life would be boring if it was B) .

    I just want to say that I`ve had a great time in Britain and at the Event. I really enjoyed the whole thing and had a lot of fun (except for the travelling home, but even that was really interesting).

    Everyone I`ve met (staff, guests, people in the queue...) was very warm and friendly and gave me an amazing and unforgettable weekend.

    A big Thanks for that :wub::WAVE: !

  2. Hi @ Trekkie_inside!


    Also ich fahr hin.

    Ich glaube du kannst dich entspannen. Ich war letztes Jahr das erste Mal auf einer englischen Con und hatte eigentlich keine Probleme.

    Ist gut organisiert gewesen und die Leute waren alle sehr nett, und das, obwohl mein Englisch echt ziemlich eingerostet ist.

    Ist ja im anderen Land auch nochmal etwas aufregender :smile:


    LG Universenurse

  3. I´ve made my way from Germany to my first Con ever and I´m really pleased.

    Was very nice and extremely well organized - thanks Showmasters.

    Guests were great. John de Lancie was very friendly and Gates MacFadden was really nice and lovely!

    She tried to chat to me but due to my (really, really) bad english I´ ve had some troubles.

    Shame on me!! Next time I´ll be prepared with some extra english lessons :D

  4. I´ll also do my best to get there at 8. My hotel is in the centre of milton keynes so I have to find something to do between 6 and 8...

    Perhaps I´ll take a drink at the hotel bar of the stadium :D

    Have brown hair, am about thirty and will also look very lost! Think it will be fun...

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